

“The Double Ninth Festival and the Laba Festival Are Important Festivals in Autumn and Winter,But Not As Important As the Cold Food Festival in the Spring”——On the Prosperity and Causes of the Cold Food Festival in the Prosperous Tang Dynasty
摘要 盛唐时期,寒食节臻于兴盛,迎来了其发展史上的高峰期。这一时期,寒食节首次被纳入国家法定节假日,禁火寒食、上墓等习俗也第一次得到官方的明文认可,获得了合法地位;节俗活动丰富多彩,禁火寒食、斗鸡等诸多传统节俗无不盛极一时,蹴鞠、打球等新型娱乐活动不断涌现,方兴未艾;节日的欢娱气氛异常浓烈,且不乏狂欢色彩。究其原因,既与当时社会政治、经济的发展繁荣密不可分,也与社会各阶层的积极参与及统治者的支持、倡导紧密相连。寒食节假日的设置起到了锦上添花的作用。 In the prosperous Tang Dynasty,the Cold Food Festival reached its prosperity and ushered in the peak of its development.During this period,the Cold Food Festival was included in the national statutory holiday for the first time and the customs of banning fire,having cold food and visiting the ancestors’graves were officially recognized and gained legal status.Traditional festival customs were rich and colourful such as the prohibition of fire,cold food,cockfighting and many other traditional festivals.The popularity was all the rage for a while,new entertainment activities such as ball-kicking(Cuju in Chinese pinyin)and ball playing were constantly emerging.The festive atmosphere was extremely strong,and there was no lack of carnival colour.The reason was not only inseparable from the socio-political and economic development and prosperity at the time,but also was closely related to the active participation of all social strata,especially the support and advocacy of the supreme ruler.In addition,other factors such as the setting of the Cold Food Festival and other factors also played important roles.
作者 马荣良 MA Rong-liang(Advanced Institute of Confucian Studies, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China,School of Marxism, Shandong Youth University of Political Science, Jinan 250100, China)
出处 《唐都学刊》 2022年第1期24-32,共9页 Tangdu Journal
基金 2017年教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:“外来宗教与中古节日风俗嬗变”(17YJC770045)阶段性成果 山东大学人文社科重大项目:“中国古代民俗文献的整理与研究”(12RWZD07)成果。
关键词 盛唐 寒食节 兴盛 成因 the prosperous Tang Dynasty the Cold Food Festival prosperity causes
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