“Huishi Housu” has been an important proposition of Chinese paintings in history. There are many different and disputable annotations about this term and the main two propositions are the “Housu” argument by Zheng Xuan and “Xiansu” argument by Zhu Xi. In fact, these divergencies are not “Huishi Housu” itself but are reflections of the understandings about Confucianism thoughts of Confucius. Meanwhile, this simplified criterion will restrict the understandings of “Huishi Housu” in a simplified way. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the significance meanings of “Huishi” in the understanding of “Huishi Housu”. Zheng Xuan and Zhu Xi understood Confucius’ s “Huishi Housu” in differentiated ways, which, however, led to the same end. “Huishi Housu”, during the long historical, cultural and artistic evolution, has been detached from the limitation of Confucianism and developed as an independent aesthetic thought in various genres of arts. As shown in the annotations of “Huishi Housu” from both Kaogong Ji and paintings, the divergent understandings by Zheng and Zhu are not because of their differentiated perceptions on certain knowledge but because of the possibilities of the understandings of the statement itself. If “Huishi Housu” is only understood by Kaogong Ji, for the times of Zhu Xi, the Su in the then “Huahui” was not suitable to the Su in the “painting” at that time, because during the history different genres of arts and medias were changing, which rendered the contemporaneity of “Huishi Housu”. This is also a reason why “Huishi Housu” is always a new concept.
Ma Yue;Chen Xing(School of Arts,Northeast University,Liaoning,Shenyang,110000)
Ethnic Art Studies