

The “New Drama” in the Silver Age and the Creation Transformation of Russian Drama
摘要 19世纪末期,伴随德国戏剧剧团赴俄巡演、各类戏剧剧团先后建立和不同戏剧组织相继成立,白银时代"新戏剧"浪潮在呼应西欧戏剧革新运动中应运而生,引领俄罗斯戏剧创作的类型转变和理念转型。"新戏剧"孕育出三种产生重要影响的剧作类型,即以契诃夫为代表的社会日常剧,以高尔基为核心的社会哲理剧,以安德列耶夫为中坚的社会象征剧,参与并推动了以假定性、心理意识和个性精神为核心的戏剧理念论争。"新戏剧"浪潮不同类型之间手法各异,类型有别,彼此互有关联影响,呈现出相互借鉴转换的总体态势。究其缘由,新现实主义诗学理念、现实主义戏剧传统和社会时代问题转向,是白银时代"新戏剧"迅速生成并蔚为大观的关键因素。"新戏剧"的艺术探索和思想哲学,既与西欧戏剧一道开启了现代戏剧的审美范式和诗学理念,也反映出戏剧艺术观念的更替与文化话语模式的重构。本质而言,白银时代"新戏剧"是19-20世纪之交俄罗斯戏剧融入世界戏剧图景的积极探索,是俄罗斯戏剧艺术对启蒙现代性与审美现代性的地域性回应和民族性呈现。 With the German theatre tour to Russia,the establishment of various drama troupes and the gradual establishment of theatrical organizations,the “New Drama” in the Silver Age came into being in response to the Western European drama innovation movement,which made the Russian drama creation change in type and concept transformation.The “New Drama”has produced three drama types with great influence,such as social life drama represented by A.Chekhov,social philosophy drama with M.Gorgy as the core and social symbolic drama represented by L.Andreev,which participates in and promotes the drama idea debate on hypothetical drama,psychological spirit and personality consciousness.Three types of “New Drama” have different techniques and mutual influence,and show the overall situation of mutual reference and mutual transformation.The poetic idea of new realism,realistic drama tradition and the turn of social problem are the key factors that the “New Drama” has been widely accepted.Its artistic exploration and ideological philosophy not only open the aesthetic paradigm and poetic concept of modern drama,but also reflect the reconstruction of cultural discourse and the replacement of drama concept.In essence,the “New Drama” in the Silver Age is an active exploration of Russian drama integrating into the world drama landscape at the turn of the 19 th-20 th century,and is the regional response and national presentation of Russian drama to the modernity of enlightenment and aesthetic modernity.
作者 王树福 Wang Shufu
出处 《俄罗斯文艺》 CSSCI 2022年第1期110-125,共16页 Russian Literature & Arts
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“白银时代俄罗斯戏剧转型研究(1890-1920)”(17BWW042) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“多卷本《俄国戏剧史》编纂与重要资料翻译研究”(19JZD030)的阶段性成果。
关键词 “新戏剧” 白银时代文学 现实主义戏剧 现代主义戏剧 创作转型 “New Drama” Russian literature in the silver age realistic drama modern drama creation transformation
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