
新业态群体的成长与共同富裕 被引量:15

Growth of the New Employment Groups and Common Prosperity
摘要 伴随新经济新业态的发展,一批从事新职业和灵活就业的群体异军突起,特别是其中的城市青年和进城农民工将成为扩大中等收入群体的重点人群。本文从劳动社会学、社会分层以及代际社会学等理论视角,使用全国新职业青年调查、中国社会状况综合调查等数据,考察这一群体的发展特征、存在困境以及诉求等,试图为"扩中"提出政策思路。首先是中等收入特征,骑手的收入水平显著高于从事传统行业的农民工,不同指标测算显示60%~80%的骑手属于中等收入群体;其次是不稳定特征,骑手职业的"高收入"其实是建立在"高强度""低保障"的基础上的,因而其职业发展呈现焦虑性和短期性;第三是灵活性追求,重视工作与生活、工作与家庭的平衡。理解新就业青年乃至整个青年群体的价值观和行为,是理解新兴就业群体、做好稳就业保民生工作的关键。基于实证分析,本文强调既要重视就业稳定性也要重视就业灵活性的"扩中"思路,在稳就业稳收入的同时也要适应灵活性和流动性。建议创新完善新业态劳动关系认定、健全完善社会保障机制、推进职业培训和素质培养等措施,从而切实促进新业态新就业群体的成长和发展、推进实现共同富裕的目标。 With the development of new economy and new business forms, a group of people engaged in new occupations and flexible employment have grown rapidly, among which the youth and migrant workers are the key groups to expand the middle-income group. From the theoretical perspectives of the sociology of labor, social stratification and the intergenerational sociology, this paper uses the data of "the National Survey of the Youth with the New Occupations" and "Chinese Social Survey" to investigate the development characteristics, existing difficulties and demands of this emerging group, and tries to propose policy ideas on "expanding the middle income group". The first is the middle-income characteristics. Income of "the take away riders" is significantly higher than that of ordinary migrant workers: according to different indicators, about 60%-80% belong to the middle-income group;Secondly, it is unstable. The "high income" is actually based on "high intensity" and "low security", so their career development presents anxiety and short-term;The third is the pursuit of flexibility, and paying attention to the balance between work and life, work and family is also a typical feature of contemporary Chinese youth. Understanding the values and behaviors of the newly employed youth and even the whole youth group is the key to understanding emerging employment groups and stabilizing employment and ensuring people’s livelihood. Based on the empirical analysis, this paper emphasizes the "expanding" idea of paying attention to "both employment stability and employment flexibility", and we should adapt to flexibility and mobility while stabilizing employment and income. This paper suggests innovating and improving identification of labor relations in the new formats, enhancing the social security system, promoting vocational training and quality training, so as to effectively promote the growth and development of the new employment groups in new formats and promote common prosperity.
作者 朱迪 Zhu Di
出处 《学海》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期60-72,共13页 Academia Bimestris
基金 中国社会科学院国情调研重大项目“新业态背景下的农民工和大学生就业保障与乡村振兴调研:以网约配送员群体为例”(项目号:GQZD2021002)的阶段性成果。
关键词 新业态 新就业 青年 中等收入群体 共同富裕 new business forms new employment youth the middle income group common prosperity
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