
转型与新生:澳门白话文学的兴起及文体变革 被引量:1

Transformation and Rebirth: The Rise and Stylistic Transformation of Vernacular Literature in Macao
摘要 近代以来,中国文学进入大变革时代,因地理位置的偏离、人才的匮乏和内驱性的不足,白话文学在澳门几无自发产生的可能。同时,文化上与内地同根同源,文学发展与内地息息相通,又构成澳门白话文学产生的必然性。陈子褒在澳门倡导白话文、编写白话启蒙读本、推动启蒙教育,是晚清白话文运动在澳门的响应,为澳门白话文学的兴起奠定了基础。1920年雪社成员冯秋雪发表澳门第一首新诗。20世纪30年代是澳门白话文学的初创期,澳门本土有白话诗、文、戏剧和小说的发表,20世纪30年代末到40年代,澳门白话文学全面兴起。澳门白话文学产生在澳门文学转型的大背景下,转型体现在"作家主体的转型"、"文学观念与作品形态的变化"及"文化下移与文体变革"等方面。知识分子的流动和市民对新思想的接受,对澳门新文学的产生起到了重要推动作用,相比同时期的内地和台港,澳门新文学的产生有其特殊性。 Since modern times, Chinese literature has entered an era of great transformation. Due to the remoteness of geographical location, the lack of talents and the inadequacy of internal drive, vernacular literature has little possibility of spontaneous emergence in Macao. Meanwhile, Macao’s vernacular literature has the same cultural root with that in Mainland, and its literary development is also closely connected with that in Mainland, which promise the inevitable emergence of the Vernacular Literature in Macao. Chen Zi-bao’s advocation of vernacular Chinese, compilation of vernacular enlightenment-readers, and promotion of enlightenment-education in Macao were the response of vernacular Chinese movement in Macao in the late Qing Dynasty, and laid the foundation for the rise of Vernacular Literature in Macao. In 1920, Feng Qiuxue, a member of the Snow Society, published Macao’s first new poem. The 1930 s was the initial period of Vernacular Literature in Macao, with the publication of vernacular poetry, prose, drama and novels. From the late 1930 s to the 1940 s, the Vernacular Literature in Macao witnessed a full-scale rise. Macao Vernacular Literature comes into being under the background of the transformation of Macao literature, which is embodied in the transformation of the colony of writers, the change of literary concepts and forms, the descending movement of culture and the transformation of literary style. The flow of intellectuals and the acceptance of new ideas by citizens have played an important role in promoting the emergence of new literature in Macao. Compared with Mainland and Hong Kong in the same period, Macao demonstrates particular characteristics in the emergence of new literature.
作者 赵海霞 Zhao Haixia
出处 《学海》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期196-204,共9页 Academia Bimestris
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目“晚清报刊文献与中国文学转型研究”(项目号:15ZDB077) 国家社科基金重大项目“民国话体文学批评文献整理与研究”(项目号:15ZDB079)的阶段性成果。
关键词 澳门 白话文学 文体转型 报刊 新文学 Macao Vernacular Literature Stylistic Transformation The Press New Literature
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