

Application and Progress of Conditioned Place Preference Using Zebrafish Model in Drug Addiction Research
摘要 斑马鱼(Danio rerio)具有体型小、易于饲养、繁殖率高、繁殖周期短、体外受精、胚胎透明易于观察等诸多优势,是药物成瘾研究当中理想的新型模式生物。本文概述药物成瘾问题,说明斑马鱼动物模型的体外发育、高通量、行为学特征丰富以及基因与人类具有相似性的优点,综述斑马鱼条件位置偏爱模型在各类常见成瘾性药物,包括甲基苯丙胺、尼古丁、可卡因、乙醇、咖啡因等中的应用与进展,指出该模型在毒品研究和管控领域进一步的发展趋势。 The zebrafish(Danio rerio)is an ideal model organism for drug addiction research because of its small size,ease of husbandry,high reproductive rate,short reproductive cycle,in vitro fertilization,and transparent embryos that can be easily observed.This paper firstly outlines the problem of drug addiction,and secondly analyses the characteristics of the zebrafish model,including in vitro development,high throughput,rich behavioural characteristics and genetic similarity to humans;and discusses the application and progress of the conditioned place preference using zebrafish model to various drug addiction studies,including methamphetamine,nicotine,cocaine,ethanol and caffeine.This study reviews the application and progress of the zebrafish model in drug addiction research and discusses its further development.
作者 王斌杰 叶昕宇 付立斌 朱俊豪 吴元钊 姚伟宣 王继业 Wang Binjie;Ye Xinyu;Fu Libin;Zhu Junhao;Wu Yuanzhao;Yao Weixuan;Wang Jiye(Drug Prevention and Control Technology Research Key Laboratory of Zhejiang Province,Department of Forensic Science,Zhejiang Police College,Hangzhou 310051,China)
出处 《山东化工》 CAS 2022年第3期91-93,96,共4页 Shandong Chemical Industry
基金 浙江省基础公益研究计划项目(LGF20C090001) 浙江警察学院校局合作类科研项目(2019XJY002) 国家级大学生创新创业训练项目(202011483013,202111481024)。
关键词 药物成瘾性 斑马鱼模型 条件位置偏爱 drug addiction zebrafish models conditioned place preference
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