
早期补饲粗料对犊牛生长性能、瘤胃发酵性能和反刍时长的影响 被引量:3

Effect of providing forage to calves at early age on growth performance,rumen fermentation performance and ruminating duration
摘要 试验旨在探究早期补饲粗料对以秸秆作为垫料的荷斯坦母犊牛生长性能、瘤胃发酵性能以及反刍时长的影响。选取30头出生重为(36.7±1.8)kg的荷斯坦母犊牛随机分为2组,每组15个重复。试验期82 d。精料组提供可供自由采食的颗粒开食料,粗料组提供可供自由采食的颗粒开食料和燕麦干草。结果显示,犊牛的体高、总干物质采食量(TDMI)、平均日增重(ADG)、饲料转化率(FE)、瘤胃中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)总量、VFA占比、氨态氮和反刍时长在犊牛断奶前、断奶后和试验全程均无显著组间差异(P>0.05)。精料组犊牛的胸围显著高于粗料组(P<0.05),粗料组犊牛的精料干物质采食量(CDMI)极显著低于精料组(P<0.01)。研究表明,早期补饲粗饲料对犊牛生长性能、瘤胃发酵性能和反刍时长无明显影响,但显著提高了犊牛胸围,降低了CDMI。 The experiment was to investigate effect of providing forage to calves at early age with straw bedding on growth performance, rumen performance and ruminating duration of calves. 30 newborn Holstein female calves with similar birth weight of(36.7±1.8) kg were randomly divided into two groups, with 15 replicates in each group. The experiment lasted for 82 d. Calves in concentrate group were provided with free access to pellet starter, calves in forage group were provided with free access to pellet starter and oat hay separately. The results showed that there was no significant difference between groups in terms of height of calves, TDMI, ADG, FE, total production of VFA in rumen, the proportion of each VFA, ammonia-N and ruminating duration during pre-weaning period, post-weaning period and whole trail(P>0.05). Chest circumference of calves in concentrate group was significantly higher than that in forage group(P<0.05). The CDMI of calves in forage group was extremely lower than that in concentrate group(P<0.01). The experiment indicates that providing forage to calves at early age has no influence on growth performance, rumen fermentation and ruminating duration, but increase chest circumference of calves significantly and decrease the CDMI.
作者 张思源 杨慧 陈天宇 彭容 沙漠 肖鉴鑫 刘帅 曹志军 ZHANG Si-yuan;YANG Hui;CHEN Tian-yu;PENG Rong;SHA Mo;XIAO Jian-xin;LIU Shuai;CAO Zhi-jun
出处 《饲料研究》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第23期1-5,共5页 Feed Research
基金 中国农业大学2115人才培育发展支持计划(项目编号:1041-00109017)。
关键词 燕麦干草 犊牛 生长性能 瘤胃发酵 反刍时长 oat hay calf growth performance rumen fermentation ruminating duration
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