

Confucius’s View of Seclusion from His Attitude towards Recluses in The Analects
摘要 《论语》中提到了很多隐士,如楚狂接舆、长沮、桀溺、石门守门人、荷蒉者、伯夷、叔齐、柳下惠等。这些隐士大致可分为避世、避地、避人三个类型,孔子肯定和认同的是他们的"避",不赞成的是他们"避"的方式。孔子采取"无可无不可"的避地、避人的隐逸方式,是与他以"道"为进退准则的隐逸观直接相关的。"道"包含多重意义,是"仁",是"德",是"义",也是"礼",简而言之,是一种伦理化的政治理想和道德原则,维护的是以仁义礼智信等为基础的仁政王道思想。"天下有道则见,无道则隐""道不行,乘桴浮于海""隐居以求其志,行义以达其道"是孔子最基本的隐逸观。 There are many recluses mentioned in The Analects, such as Chu Kuang, Jie Yu, Chang Ju, Jie Ni, the gatekeeper of Shimen, He Kui, Bo Yi, Shu Qi, Liu Xiahui and so on. These recluses can be roughly divided into three types: escaping from the world, escaping from a place, and keeping away from someone. Confucius affirms and identifies their seclusion, but disagrees with their ways of seclusion. Confucius adopts the "whatever" way of escaping from a place and keeping away from someone.It is directly related to his seclusion concept of "Tao" as the criterion for advancement and retreat. "Tao" contains multiple meanings including"benevolence""morality""righteousness"and"propriety". In short, it is an ethical political ideal and moral principle and supports the idea of benevolent governance based on benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom,trustworthiness and so on. "When right principles of government prevail in the kingdom, he will show himself;when they are prostrated, he will keep concealed", "My doctrines make no way. I will get upon a raft, and float about on the sea" and "Living in retirement to study their aims, and practicing righteousness to carry out their principles" are Confucius’ s basic view of seclusion.
作者 许海丽 马晓雯 Xu Haili;Ma Xiaowen(Journal Editorial Department,Qilu Normal University,Jinan 250200,China;The Library,Shandong University of Political and Law,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《齐鲁师范学院学报》 2022年第1期113-122,共10页 Journal of Qilu Normal University
关键词 《论语》 孔子 隐士 隐逸观 The Analects Confucius Recluses The view of seclusion
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