

Evolvement Course and Basic Experience of the Patriotism Education of the Communist Party of China
摘要 重视和加强爱国主义教育是中国共产党取得革命、建设和改革伟大成就的重要法宝和优良传统。百年党史就是一部生动的爱国主义教育史。一百年来,中国共产党爱国主义教育经历了新民主主义革命时期、社会主义革命和建设时期、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设时期、中国特色社会主义新时代四个历史阶段。百年来,中国共产党积累了丰富的爱国主义教育经验,即:坚持用马克思主义指导爱国主义教育的生动实践;准确把握爱国主义教育重点对象;坚持爱党爱国爱社会主义三者高度统一的根本原则;坚持宽广的历史视野,将爱国主义教育融入党史学习教育等。考察党百年爱国主义教育的历史进程并总结其基本经验,对促进新时代爱国主义教育创新发展具有重要现实意义。 Emphasizing and strengthening patriotism education is an important magic weapon and fine tradition for the Communist Party of China to achieve great achievements in revolution,construction,and reform.A century of party history is a vivid history of patriotism education.In the past 100 years,the Communist Party of China has gone through four historical stages of patriotism education:the new democratic revolution,socialist revolution and construction,reform and opening up and socialist modernization,and the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Over the past century,the Communist Party of China has accumulated rich experience in patriotism education,namely:insisting on using Marxism to guide the vivid practice of patriotism education;accurately grasping the key targets of patriotism education;insisting on the fundamental principle of a high degree of unity of love for the Party,love for the country and love for socialism;insisting on a broad historical perspective and integrating patriotism education into Party history learning and education,etc.Examining the historical process of the Party’s patriotism education in the past century and summarizing its basic experience is of great practical significance in promoting the innovative development of patriotism education in the new era.
作者 李平贵 胡亚兰 LI Pinggui;HU Yalan(College of Marxism,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou Hunan 412007,China)
出处 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期88-96,共9页 Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会基金资助项目“百年未有之大变局视域下爱国主义教育体系建构与路径创新研究”(XSP22YBC182) 湖南省教育厅科学研究基金资助项目“新时代爱国主义教育的理论建构与实践路径研究”(20C0600) 湖南省学位与研究生教育改革研究基金资助项目“‘立德树人’视域下的马克思主义理论学科研究生实践教学路径”(2019JGYB226)。
关键词 中国共产党 爱国主义教育 演进历程 基本经验 the Communist Party of China patriotism education evolvement course basic experience
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