
全面振兴本科教育背景下的教学过程性评价实践与探索 被引量:1

Practice and Exploration of Teaching Process Evaluation under the Background of Comprehensively Revitalizing Undergraduate Education
摘要 在高校本科教育中实施过程性评价,需要坚持培养高质量本科专业人才的初心和正确的方向指导。北京工业大学依据教育部指导和过程性教学评价总要求,积极落实过程性评价,并取得了初步成效。但细致分析来看,当前多数高校开展过程性评价仍存在信息技术支撑不足、评价主体单一及工作部门协作不深入等问题,严重影响过程性评价的顺利开展,以此为基础提升本科教学质量也无法推进。为此,高校应积极建设信息化教学平台,指导教师学会使用信息技术开展评价,同时还应优化教学评价主体,强化评价数据信息的反馈及各部门联动,通过健全过程性教学评价机制不断推进本科教学质量的提升。 The implementation of process evaluation in college undergraduate education requires adherence to the original intention of cultivating high-quality undergraduate professionals and guidance in the correct direction.In accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Education and the general requirements of process teaching evaluation,our school actively implements process evaluation and has achieved initial results.However,from a detailed analysis,most colleges and universities still have insufficient information technology support,single evaluation subject,and in-depth collaboration among working departments,which seriously affect the smooth development of process evaluation,and improve the quality of undergraduate teaching based on this.Unable to advance.To this end,colleges and universities should actively build an informationbased teaching platform,instruct teachers to learn to use information technology to carry out evaluations.At the same time,they should optimize the main body of teaching evaluation,strengthen the feedback of evaluation data information and the linkage of various departments,and continue to promote undergraduate education through a sound process of teaching evaluation mechanism.Improvement of teaching quality.
作者 魏中华 周敏 靳秀芳 WEI Zhong-hua;ZHOU Min;JIN Xiu-fang(Academic Affairs Office,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;Beijing University of Technology Tongzhou Campus,Beijing 101101,China)
出处 《昭通学院学报》 2021年第5期97-102,共6页 Journal of Zhaotong University
关键词 本科教学 课堂监控 过程评价 质量提升 Undergraduate teaching Classroom monitoring Process evaluation Quality improvement
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