
英国创新模式下的产学研合作落后于美国?——基于大学知识生产与转移的考察 被引量:7

Is the Industry-university-research Cooperation Innovation in UK behind that in US?———Based on the Academic Knowledge Production and Transfer in Universities
摘要 知识经济时代的科学、技术、经济一体化促使美英两国重视产学研协同创新,美国和英国分别形成了合作式创新生态和竞争式创新机制。美国在制度支持和产学研合作的良性循环中激活了学术知识的经济引擎作用。而英国低水平、不合理的政策干预未能扭转校企相对隔离的状态,大学在市场机制影响下难以充分发挥高质量学术知识的预期经济效益。为有效促进学术知识的生产与转移,政府应在国家创新体系中合理施为,成为政策目标的执行者、信息沟通的桥梁、政策实效的支持系统,直接并积极参与创新生态的构建、激活并稳固产学研合作的社会基础、保障创新活动的质量,促进产学研合作以保障国家创新的可持续发展。 The integration of science,technology and economy in the era of knowledge economy prompts both the United Kingdom and the United States to attach great importance to industry-university-research collaboration.The United States and the United Kingdom have respectively formed collaborative innovation ecology and competitive innovation mechanism.With the institutional support and a virtuous circle of industry-university-research cooperation,the United States has activated the economic-engine function of academic knowledge.In contrast,the low-level and unreasonable policy intervention in the United Kingdom failed to change the situation of separation between universities and enterprises.British universities find it difficult to efficiently transfer high-quality academic knowledge to expected economic benefits under the market mechanism.In order to ensure the innovation sustainability to effectively promote academic knowledge production and transfer,the government should take reasonable measures in the national innovation system by playing the roles as the executant of policy objectives,the linkage of information communication and the support system of policy effectiveness to directly and actively participate in the construction of innovation ecology,activate and stabilize the social foundation of industry-university-research cooperation and guarantee the quality of innovation activities.
作者 孙天慈 孟宇 SUN Tian-ci;MENG Yu(Faculty of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai,200062;Department of Educational Administration and Policy,Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong)
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期137-148,共12页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
关键词 创新 高等教育 产学研合作 知识生产与转移 innovation higher education industry-university-research cooperation knowledge production and transfer
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