
教学民主的价值意蕴、实践异化与理性回归 被引量:2

The Value Implication,Practical Alienation and Rational Return of Teaching Democracy
摘要 教学民主是现代教学发展的趋势,也是民主在教学领域的价值诉求。作为提升教学质量、落实立德树人根本任务的重要驱动力,教学民主在改善教学的人文环境、激发师生的积极情感、深化教学的理性认知等方面具有独特的价值。教学民主理应是师生共同坚持的价值取向和自觉践行的教学理念。然而,对教学民主的理解误区和实践偏差造成教学异化,导致个人主义教学危机,主要表现在三个方面:教师同行之间因缺乏必要的横向交流而出现嫌隙;教师个体因自行其是而偏离本真教学形态;师生之间因情感联系日渐松散而消解相互的责任意识。因此,教学要回归自由平等的民主应然状态,就需要教师发挥主导作用,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持立德树人的价值取向;正确理解和践行教学民主理念,适度表达教学权威,建立融洽、和谐的师生关系;加强反思,注重教学交往实践,营造教学民主氛围,正确把握教学民主的合理尺度,激发学生学习的积极性,提升教学的有效性,真正落实立德树人的根本任务。 Teaching democracy is the trend of the healthy development of modern teaching,and it is also the value appeal of democracy in the field of teaching.As an important driving force for improving the quality of teaching and implementing the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue,teaching democracy has unique value in improving the humanistic environment of teaching,stimulating positive emotions in teaching,and deepening rational cognition in teaching.Teaching democracy should be a value orientation that teachers and students jointly adhere to and a teaching philosophy that is consciously practiced.However,deviations in the understanding and practice of teaching democracy will lead to democratic alienation and individualistic teaching crisis,which are mainly manifested in three aspects:the lack of necessary horizontal communication between teachers and peers leads to teaching discord,the deviation of individual teachers from authentic teaching because of their own actions,and the decrease of the sense of responsibility due to the increasingly loose emotional connection between teachers and students.Teachers should play a leading role in promoting the return of teaching to the democratic state of freedom and equality.The rational way of returning to teaching democracy lies in the following measures.We should first take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics as the guide and adhere to the value orientation of building morality and cultivating people.We should correctly understand and practice the idea of teaching democracy,properly apply teaching authority,and establish a harmonious harmonious relationship between teachers and students.We should also strengthen reflections on teaching communication practice,create an atmosphere of teaching democracy,correctly grasp the reasonable scale of teaching democracy,stimulate students enthusiasm for learning,improve the effectiveness of teaching,and implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people.
作者 朱彦蓉 ZHU Yanrong(College of Preschool Teachers,Lanzhou City University,Lanzhou 730020,China)
出处 《教师教育学报》 2022年第2期21-28,共8页 Journal of Teacher Education
关键词 教学民主 师生关系 教学权威 教学平等 立德树人 teaching democracy teacher-student relationship teaching authority teaching equality building morality and cultivating people
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