
超越与自赎—尹呈忠的漆艺术 被引量:3

Transcendence and salvation:The Lacquer Arts of Yin Chengzhong
摘要 通过个案来解读漆画界的多重裂变图景,领略漆艺术新版图的美学迷径,尹呈忠是一个无可替代的艺术家。他的绘画清晰地标识出漆艺术40年推进的进程,几乎是一部浓缩版的漆艺术史。细究其作品从强调绘画性到趋向抽象建构,再到漆性书写与在心象层面重构“现代意象”,尹呈忠从方法论、图式语言、漆语言、到图像象征,探索创造了一个全新的当代漆艺术体系。他的成就既是以反思为核心的精神活动结果,也是其漆语言不断破局的结果。它的价值不仅在于通过不断的超越完成了大漆与自我的救赎,更在于它为我们提供了一个富有建设性、学理性的生动案例,所以说尹呈忠既是传统漆画的破局者,又是当代漆艺术的开拓者。 Elaborating on the multiple fission scenes in the lacquer painting world through case studies, and appreciating the aesthetic mysteries of the new territory of lacquer art, Yin Chengzhong is an irreplaceable artist. His paintings clearly identify the progress of lacquer art over the past 40 years, almost a condensed version of the history of lacquer art. From the emphasis on painting to the tendency of abstract construction to lacquer writing and the reconstruction of "modern imagery" at the mental image level, Yin Chengzhong explored and created a new contemporary lacquer art system from methodology, schema language, and lacquer language to image symbolism. His achievements are not only the result of his spiritual activities with reflection as the core but also the fruit of the breakthrough in his lacquer language. Its value lies not only in the redemption of the lacquer and the ego through continuous transcendence but also in the fact that it provides us with a constructive, rational and vivid case. Therefore, Yin Chengzhong is not only a breaker of traditional lacquer painting but also a pioneer in contemporary lacquer art.
作者 张晓凌 Zhang Xiaoling
出处 《美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期70-75,共6页 Art Magazine
关键词 当代漆艺术 以漆为媒 自我救赎 创新超越 contemporary lacquer art via lacquer self-salvation innovation and transcendence
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