

A Brief Review of Haipai Bird-and-Flower Painting During“the Seventeen Years”
摘要 中华人民共和国成立后“十七年”(1949—1966)是20世纪中国画现代转型的一个重要阶段,其中的海派花鸟画家的致力路向是通过艺术手段将现实社会风貌、日常生活场景表现出来,使之既具有时代精神,符合当下审美,又具有较高的艺术品质,直入人心,同时突破既往的笔墨与表现样式。本文围绕上海中国画院的成立而展开论述,考察了这一时期海派花鸟画诸家的师承关系与风格形态,进而指出,这一代海派花鸟画家继承明清之笔,回望宋元之格,吸纳西方绘画理念,在色彩与形式、笔墨与构图、题材与格局等方面纷纷作出大胆创新与变革,富有强烈的个人面貌,显示出民族性、寓意性、开放性与现代性的多元特征。 The seventeen years(1949-1966)since the founding of the People’s Republic of China was a critical period of transformation for Chinese traditional painting in the 20th century.Among all peer artists,Haipai(Shanghai style)artists were devoted to depicting the real side of society and day-to-day life through artistic means which conveyed the spirit of the time,met the aesthetical standards then,had a relatively high artistic value and the capacity to touch the audience,and broke through the existing forms and styles.Starting with the foundation of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy,this article examines the transition of techniques and the styles of Haipai artists during that period of time,then concludes that that generation of Haipai artists implemented bold innovations and reforms in aspects like colors,forms,styles,layouts,themes and patterns,as they carried forward the style in the Ming and Qing dynasties,drew on the experience of artists in the Song and Yuan dynasties,absorbed Western ideas.In this way,their works conveyed strong personal features combined with national features,implication,openness and modernity.
作者 胡建君 林炜杰 Hu Jianjun;Lin Weijie
机构地区 上海美术学院
出处 《美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期101-108,共8页 Art Magazine
关键词 中华人民共和国成立初期 海派花鸟画 时代风采 多元特征 early period of the People's Republic of China Haipai Bird-and-Flower Painting period characteristics multiple features
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