这一古地名“Nyen Kar”是敦煌文献写卷P.T.1288-1287中出现的一个古地名,而且出现的频率较高,但是该地名究竟在何处,藏学界说法不一。在敦煌文献P.T1287-1288中出现该地名21次,并云?吐蕃两代赞普都在此居住过,足以证明其重要性。文章以敦煌文献P.T1287-1288的“Nyen Kar”这一古地名为研究对象,通过文献阅读、实地调查,并比较敦煌文献和新疆出土的木简及吐蕃时期的碑文,采用民族志等研究方法对该其进行了田野调查和考释。“Nyen Kar”不仅仅是地方和宫殿的名称,也可能是赞普时期的一个军队名称。同时该地名作为重要的古地名,保护、复原以及开发尤为重要。
So far,few scholars have studied the historical names of Tubo in Tibetan academic circles.The author chose the place name of“Nyen-Kar”in the Lhasa River Basin stated in Dunhuang Literature P.T1287-1288 and discusses its area.“Nyen-Kar”is a place name appeared in the Dunhuang literature writing volume P.T.1288 and P.T.1287.There are different views on the location of“Nyen-Kar”in the history of Tibetan academic circles so far.In this paper,through comparing Dunhuang literature with the wooden scripts unearthed in Xinjiang and the inscriptions of Tubo period,the author adopts the ethnographic method to examine and explain“Nyen-Kar”in the field.“Nyen-Kar”appeared twenty-one times in Dunhuang literature P.T1287-1288,the two generations of Tubo bTsan-Po have a history of living there,enough to prove its importance.On the basis of previous studies and field survey,this paper further proposes that“Nyen-Kar”is not only the name of the place and palace,but also the name of the army during the bTsan-Po era.
bsTan-vDzin-sGrol-Ma;vChi-Med-rRo-rJe(Tibet University,Lhasa,Tibet,850000)
Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)