

On the Example and Meaning of Six Perfections in“sKyed-Tshal-Gyi-bsNgags-brJod”
摘要 18世纪,第三世土观活佛•洛桑却吉尼玛诗作名篇《意悦法盛苑》从建造玉苑的意义,即对世间妙欲生起无边厌离之心,尤其应奉上师法令赴帝王宫邸参与政事,在佑宁寺和土观府邸等处违心参涉政事而不能自拔,更因此等琐事无暇修法,阻碍精修,从而心生厌离,为此刻意修建意悦法盛苑入手,依次对意悦法盛苑的仲夏景色,以及以莲花等为喻体,喻示诗人精进修行的境界。其中“以六度为喻体吟诵颐苑”为全诗的重点,也为诗人修行的最高境界,以优美顺达的诗句道出“施度”等六度的本质、类次、境界等核心义谛。本文将其列为重点研究对象,依据《菩提道次第》等经典论著和相关文献为理论依据,主要从莲花与布施的比喻入手,剖析了诗章中对六度的拟喻、理喻、训喻、喻义等喻言方法,从而揭示诗人依法修行的圆满次第和最终正果。认为这篇颂诗以比喻为表象,实则为深刻明释作者潜修无上菩提之行的证悟启示的观点,进而提出以《意悦法盛苑》为代表的藏族历代山水诗对培养环保意识,促进生态文明建设和社会和谐等方面具有积极的推动作用。 In the 18th century,the poem“sKyed-Tshal-Gyi-bsNgags-brJod”was written by Tibetan patriotic scholar Thuvu-bKan-Blo-bZang-Cho-Kyi-Nyi-Ma,from the meaning of organizational system of the jade garden,including the world is better to build a boundless heart of samvejana,especially in division law to the imperial palace to participate in political affairs,in the places such as the You Ning Temple and Thuvu-bKan Mansion and other places,got involved in government and the could not extricate himself.Therefore,he was tired of leaving,so he deliberately built it to start,in turn,“sKyed-Tshal-Gyi-bsNgags-brJod”was written based on its mid-summer scenery,as well as lotus as a metaphor for the poet’s state of advanced practice.Among them,“sKyed-Tshal-Gyi-bsNgags-brJod”is the focus of the whole poem,and also the highest realm of poets;cultivation,which uses beautiful and smooth lines to express or reveal the essence,class,realm and other core content of six perfections.This paper lists it as a key research object,and based on the Bodhi road and other classic and related literature,mainly from the metaphor of lotus and alms giving,it analyzes the metaphorical methods of the six perfections in the poems and chapters,such as analogies,rationalizations,disciplines and figurative meanings,so as to reveal the complete and final results of the poets’practice in accordance with the law.It is considered that this poem takes metaphor as the appearance,but in fact it is a profound interpretation of the enlightenment of the author;intangible Bodhi journey.Furthermore,it is pointed out that the Tibetan landscape poems represented by“sKyed-Tshal-Gyi-bsNgags-brJod”plays a positive role in fostering the cultivation of environmental protection consciousness,promoting ecological civilization construction and social harmony.
作者 仁青更尕 Rin-Chen-Kun-dGa’(School of Tibetan Studies,Qinghai Minzu University,Xining,Qinghai,810007)
出处 《青海师范大学学报(藏文版)》 2021年第4期14-24,共11页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)
关键词 《意悦法盛苑》 佛行六度 比喻手法 sKyed-Tsha l the Six Perfections metaphorical method
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