

The Ethical Thoughts and Artistic Features of The Letters of Kaniska
摘要 《伽腻色迦书信》是公元8世纪末从梵文翻译成藏文的一部书信体著作,其对藏族佛教、诗学、伦理及公文书信等方面起着重要影响,并被宗喀巴、杰曹·达玛仁青、松巴·益西班觉、章嘉·阿旺洛桑却旦等佛学大师们尊崇,在他们的著书立说中频频引用《伽腻色迦书信》的名言金句。然而,学界对其研究较为滞后,专题的研究更显甚微。文章在梳理藏汉文相关佛典文献及研究成果的基础上,以文献比较及跨学科研究方法,对《伽腻色迦书信》的作者、译者进行探究,并在藏族传统文学语境下剖析其主要思想。同时,对《伽腻色迦书信》义理从国政与佛法的辩证关系、伦理道德、知识教育及生态和谐等十个方面进行阐释和科学归纳,提出佛教与当今社会适应有利于发挥新时代社会道德积极作用。最后,将《伽腻色迦书信》为文学经典看待,对其文学思想、语言及表现手法等方面做了研究。《伽腻色迦书信》是一部音律优美、词藻丰富的文学艺术作品。 The Letter of Kaniska is a letter work translated from Sanskrit into Tibetan at the end of the 8th century.It has an important influence on Tibetan Buddhism,poetics,ethics,and official correspondence.Respected by Buddhist masters such as Tsongkapa,Gyaltsap Darma Rinchen,Sompa Yeshi Paljor,Dranggyal Ngawang Lobsang Chodan,they frequently quoted the famous sayings of the Letter of Kaniska in their writings.However,in the academic circles,the research on the Letter of Kaniska is in a relatively lagging state,and the research on its topic is even more limited.Here,I sort out the relevant Buddhist literature and research results in Tibetan and Chinese,and use literature research and comparative research methods,and also try interdisciplinary research methods to explore the author and translator of the The Letter of Kaniska.In the traditional Tibetan literature to analyze its main thoughts in the context,and at the same time,interpret and scientifically summarize the principles of the The Letter of Kaniska.In the end,I regard the The Letter of Kaniska as a literary classic,and make appropriate research on its literary thoughts,language and expression methods.
作者 洛绒当曲 Blo-bZang-Dam-Chos(Tibetan School of Sichuan Province;South West Minzu University,Chengdu,Sichuan,610041)
出处 《青海师范大学学报(藏文版)》 2021年第4期25-36,共12页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Tibetan language)
关键词 《伽腻色迦书信》 马鸣大师 迦腻色迦王 the master Asvagosha King of Kaniska letters art
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