
脂肪含量对雪花牛排在高氧气调包装贮藏期间肉色稳定性的影响 被引量:7

Effect of Fat Content on Color Stability of Marbling Steaks Stored under High Oxygen Modified Atmosphere Packaging
摘要 为探究雪花牛排在高氧气调包装贮藏期间的肉色稳定性,该实验选用两种不同脂肪含量(A1和A3等级)的雪花牛排,进行高氧气调包装(80%O_(2)+20%CO_(2))。在每个时间点(0、5和10 d),测定其各个指标的变化。结果表明,随着贮藏时间的延长两种等级的牛排脂质氧化程度均逐渐增大,肌红蛋白还原力逐渐减弱,使高铁肌红蛋白比例显著升高(p<0.05)。在贮藏至5 d时,两种等级的牛排肉色值未出现显著变化。而贮藏至10 d时,A3等级牛排褐变程度和脂肪氧化程度均显著大于A1等级,A1牛排的a^(*)值仅下降至17.43,而A3牛排的a^(*)值却下降至12.22;A3等级牛排脂肪氧化值达到1.82 mg MDA/kg,而A1等级牛排脂肪氧化值仅为1.09 mg MDA/kg;A3等级牛排MMb含量已经超过40%,肉色已完全褐变。因此,对于脂肪含量较高的高等级雪花牛排,高氧气调包装只能在较短的贮藏时间内使其保持良好的肉色,生产中若对此类高档牛排进行长期贮藏应谨慎使用高氧气调包装。 In order to explore the color stability of marbling beef stored under high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging(HiOx-MAP,80%O_(2)+20%CO_(2)),the marbling steaks with different fat contents,grade A1 and A3,were selected.The steaks were packaged under HiOx-MAP.At each point(0,5 and 10 d),the index was determined.The results showed the increased lipid oxidation,the decreased total reducing ability(TRA)and the higher MMb accumulation in both marbling grades steaks with the storage time prolonged(p<0.05).The color of both two marbling grades did not show significant changes after 5 days of storage,but A3 grade showed darker browning and higher lipid oxidation than A1 grade.The a^(*)values decreased to 17.43,but it decreased to 12.22 in A3 grade.And the TBARS value reached to 1.82 mg MDA/kg in A3,but it was just 1.09 mg MDA/kg in A1,which was much lower than A3.And also,the MMb%exceeded 40%in A3 steaks which showed totally brown and was not acceptable to consumers.Therefore,the lipid oxidation degree of marbling steaks with higher fat content were much greater under HiOx-MAP,which promoted the browning of meat color.So,the ste aks of higher marbling grades with higher fat content can maintain the good color stability only for several days under HiOx-MAP.So,it should be paid more attention to these kinds of high marbling steaks in the production when HiOx-MAP is applied.
作者 刘文轩 罗欣 杨啸吟 张一敏 朱立贤 毛衍伟 梁荣蓉 马伟民 杨振刚 LIU Wenxuan;LUO Xin;YANG Xiaoyin;ZHANG Yimin;ZHU Lixian;MAO Yanwei;LIANG Rongrong;MA Weimin;YANG Zhengang(College of Food Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’an 271018,China;Junbo Food Co.Ltd.,Linqing 252600,China;Yiliyuan Halal Meat Co.Ltd.,Yangxin 251800,China)
出处 《现代食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第2期110-118,共9页 Modern Food Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31871731) 山东省重点研发计划项目(2019GNC106050) 财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-37) 滨州市重点研发计划项目(2019ZDYF010)。
关键词 雪花牛排 高氧气调包装 肉色 脂质氧化 褐变 marbling steak high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging meat color lipid oxidation browing
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