

The Philosophical Significance of Up and Out of Poverty from a Marxist Perspective
摘要 《摆脱贫困》高度重视辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义世界观、方法论对中国社会主义建设实践的指导作用,蕴藏着深刻的马克思主义哲学道理,是对马克思主义哲学中国化的有益探索。其鲜活的价值和意义就在于,当人们改造客观世界时,主观的自觉性和能动性就体现在全面地、历史地、辩证地发现问题、分析问题和解决问题。马克思主义哲学由此凸显出强大的生命力,在当今时代依然是指导我们认识世界、改变世界的强大思想武器。 Up and Out of Poverty is Xi Jinping's masterpiece of theory and practice written during his work in East Fujian,and it contains profound Marxist philosophy.First,it exhorts us to seek truth from facts and adhere to the Marxist view of practice;to dare to practice and be good at practice;to grasp the dialectical relationship between knowledge and action in practice,and as action must have knowledge,so knowing must have doing,and action must be effective.Second,Up and Out of Poverty calls for raising awareness about poverty,and it advocates compliance with the law while giving full play to subjective initiative.This means that,in the face of material poverty,we must solve the problem of mental poverty:the saying that“the weak bird flies first”shows the principle of giving full play to the subjective initiative of human beings.Third,just like water dripping through rocks,Up and Out of Poverty emphasizes the dialectics of both quantitative change and qualitative change,because we must pay special attention to the accumulation of quantitative changes in the efforts to bring about qualitative change.Fourth,Up and Out of Poverty spells out why the economic chorus should correctly handle the relationship between the primary and secondary contradictions recognized by Marxism.Not grasping the main contradiction is just flogging a dead horse,therefore individuals in the whole must cooperate in order to achieve the sum of multiple elements.The success of the chorus lies in the philosophy of“harmony”(和合,hehe).Fifth,Up and Out of Poverty presents an overall plan that takes all factors into consideration,and it nicely grasps the degree of the unity of opposites.For all of these rucial points,we must be in no doubt.Sixth,Up and Out of Poverty maintains a close contact with the people,and it advocates for raising the basic skills of cadres based on historical materialism.Historical materialism is the truth:it means to believe in and rely on the people.The saying,u Going to the grassroot units of the four kindsn represents a pioneering move to implement the Chinese Communist Party's mass line of advancement.We must take Up and Out of Poverty as a philosophical text to learn,think,practice and enlighten.Nowadays,with a deep understanding of the important achievements of the Chinese Communist Party's struggle and the grand background of its history,reviewing Up and Out of Poverty has a particularly important philosophical significance for us to accurately grasp the spiritual essence of“unswervingly walking the road of common prosperity for all people”.
作者 陈承茂 Chen Chengmao
出处 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期5-12,126,共9页 Philosophical Trends








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