

Yuanmingyuan Silver Vault and Its Financial Resources Changes in Qing Dynasty
摘要 圆明园银库是圆明园经费的管理中枢,原附属于圆明园库,至乾隆年间从中分离出来,并援引广储司管理办法,管理日趋规范。圆明园银库的收入规模于乾隆年间达到顶峰,此后呈下降趋势。这与清帝的财政统筹有关,更与时代的发展及国家财政经济状况息息相关。 Yuanmingyuan silver vault,the management center of the Yuanmingyuan funds,was originally attached to the Yuanmingyuan Treasury,from which it was separated during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. Citing the management measures of the storage department,management of Yuanmingyuan silver vault became increasingly standardized. The income of the Yuanmingyuan silver vault reached its peak during the reign of Emperor Qianlong and then declined,which is not only related to the financial planning of the Qing emperors, but also is closely related to the development of the times and national financial and economic conditions.
作者 滕德永 TENG De-yong(Palace Museum Palace,Palace History Department,Beijing 100009,China)
出处 《白城师范学院学报》 2021年第6期1-10,共10页 Journal of Baicheng Normal University
基金 故宫博物院科研课题“清代宫廷全史(第三卷)·清代财政史”(KT2018-01-3)。
关键词 圆明园 银库 内务府 税关 盐政 Yuanmingyuan silver vault Imperial Household Department customhouse salt administration
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  • 1《嘉庆道光两朝上谕档》第26册,第464页.
  • 2《圆明园》上编《三和等奏请领取园内水法等处工程银两折,乾隆二十一年十二月十二日》,第84-85页.
  • 3《圆明园》上编《三和等奏支领舍卫城工程银两折,乾隆二十四年七月初三日》,第90页.
  • 4《圆明园》上编《总管内务府奏请拨封贮银两折,道光十一年八月》,第507-508页.
  • 5《圆明园》上编《苏赫讷等奏静明园等地稻田菜园按圆明围例经管折,乾隆十八年二月初四日》,第70-71页.
  • 6《圆明园》上编《总管内务府奏园庭麦苗不齐将该管官员议处折,乾隆五十一年五月初九日》,第265-267页.
  • 7《圆明园》上编《圆明园咨覆顺天府略节,光绪三十四年》,第760页.
  • 8《圆明园》下编《奏销房地租》,第1001、1002页.
  • 9《总管内务府道光元年正月至二月奏销档》,奏销档胶片编号140,档案编号504册,第1-102页.
  • 10《圆明园》上编《圆明园各处地亩账,光绪二十三年九月初二日立》,第755-_756页.
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