Caught in the contending forces of royalist and puritan cultures, Andrew Marvell’s "Upon Appleton House" registers the influences of both while conceding to neither. He salutes the country-house poem conventions by depicting Lord Fairfax’s estate and garden with pastoral details, yet he downplays the importance of traditional rural community with its merriment and harmonious lord-tenant relationship, which are upheld by royalist culture as the reliable bedrock of the kingdom. Also, compared with the retired, contemplative life and languid, slightly effeminate beauty celebrated by royalist lyricists, Marvell’s gardens are often marked by a more active, masculine, even occasionally violent type of aesthetics, a stance also patently different from Puritan suspicion of artistic exuberance and censorship of pleasure, thus representing an order equally removed from royalism and puritanism. For Marvell, therefore, these gardens have become the venue for exploring and negotiating a "more decent" sociopolitical, aesthetic, and religious order.
Liu Jiong(School of International Studies,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing,China)
Foreign Literature