
中国森林保险高质量发展路径研究 被引量:7

Study on High Quality Development Path of Forest Insurance in China
摘要 通过探讨森林保险高质量发展的内涵,对全国森林保险发展情况深入分析,提出参保率进一步提升难度较大、风险保障水平总体偏低、费率厘定缺乏差异化和动态调整、险种创新推广力度不足、财政补贴机制不够完善等发展不平衡、不充分问题是制约森林保险高质量发展的主要瓶颈。从提高风险保障水平、加大险种创新力度、科学厘定保险费率、推进管理服务数字化改革、完善财政补贴机制这5个方面提出森林保险高质量发展路径。 ⑴Background——Since the pilot of the central financial forest insurance premium subsidy in 2009,China's forest insurance system has been established gradually,policies have been improved continuously,the scale of insurance ranks first in the world and has got the basis for high-quality development.In 2019,the state issued the Guidance on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of Agricultural Insurance,which includes many aspects of forest insurance and puts forward new requirements for the high-quality development of forest insurance.⑵Methods——Reference to the connotation of high-quality development of agricultural insurance,this paper explores the connotation of high-quality development of forest insurance.Through the data provided by the China Forest Insurance Development Report and relevant government departments and insurance institutions,this paper analyzes the development of forest insurance in China and some typical pilot areas,and explores the bottlenecks and causes of high-quality development of forest insurance.⑶Results——The connotation of high-quality development of forest insurance includes five aspects:wider coverage of insurance,higher level of risk protection,better product and service,more efficient financial subsidies,and sustainable business development.In-depth analysis of these five aspects,this paper showed that some unbalanced and inadequate development problems have become the main bottleneck restricting the high-quality development of forest insurance.First,taking the data of 2019 as an example,the forest insurance participation rate in the pilot area reached 79.86%,which was difficult to further improve.Second,the national average unit insurance is only 9,600 yuan·hm^(-2),which is lower than the afforestation cost of 30,000 yuan·hm^(-2).Third,the national average compensation rate from 2014 to 2019 was only 30.49 per cent,which is a low rate.Forth,pricing is not scientific enough,lack of risk zoning and dynamic adjustment.In addition,the innovation of insurance product has not been effectively promoted,unable to meet the needs of market diversity.Lastly,the financial subsidy mechanism is not perfect.Some grassroots governments have great financial pressure,and the incentive effect has not been fully exerted.⑷Conclusions and Discussions——When entering the stage of high-quality development,forest insurance should reach a higher level through a variety of optimization paths while expanding the coverage.First,it is necessary to change from“insurance cost”to“insurance value”,improve the level of protection and enhance the attractiveness of insurance.And it is expected for the government to provide strong supports for innovative types of insurance,develop and promote new types of insurance around the target of emission peak and carbon neutrality in order to meet the diverse needs of the market.Second,risk zoning should be refined according to geographical location,climatic conditions,traffic conditions,risk characteristics and other factors.And differential rates should be formulated according to forestry characteristics such as forest species and tree species,so as to provide more choices for forestry operators through the form of“main insurance+additional insurance”.Third,it is necessary to promote the digital reform,realize the whole process digitization of insurance plan formulation,rate determination and underwriting claims,and improve the management service level and compensation efficiency.Forth,It is supposed for the government to improve the financial subsidy mechanism,expand the scale of subsidies,optimize the subsidy structure,expand the subsidy method,and give full play to the incentive effect of financial funds.Through the above measures,it will be better meet the diversified needs of forestry operators,consolidate the sustainable management foundation of insurance institutions,reduce the pressure of grassroots government departments,effectively improve the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in forest insurance,and ultimately promote the high-quality development of forest insurance.
作者 林善明 LIN Shanming(Fiscal and Financial Division, General Office of the People's Government of Fujian Province,Fuzhou 350003,China)
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2022年第1期30-36,共7页 Issues of Forestry Economics
关键词 森林保险 高质量发展 内涵 发展瓶颈 路径 forest insurance development bottleneck connotation high-quality development path
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