

Investigation on the current discipline knowledge of normal students majored in biology in the background of new college entrance examination
摘要 新高考强调对学生综合能力的培养,增加了学生自由选课的权利,给高中教师的学科知识带来新的挑战。生物师范生是高中生物教师的后备军,其学科知识能否满足新高考要求尚不清楚。以湖北师范大学生命科学学院生物科学专业师范生为对象,通过线上问卷形式调查其学科知识的学习现状,将统计调查结果与高中生物教师的学科知识需求进行比较。结果表明,生物师范生的生物基础知识、生物生活化知识、生物科学史知识与生物科学知识能达到基本要求,但前沿知识、实验知识和生物方法知识存在不足,针对当前现状进行了相关分析并提出合理可行的建议,旨在为我校生物师范生培养和专业课程改革提供参考,提高生物师范生的培养质量。 The new college entrance examination reform emphasizes the cultivation of students’comprehensive ability,and increases the right of students to choose courses freely,which brings new challenges to the discipline knowledge of high school teachers.The students majored in biology in normal university are the reserve force of biology teachers at high school,and it remains unknown whether their discipline knowledge can meet the current new college entrance examination format.This research mainly focused on students(teacher majors)majored in biological sciences from the College of Life Sciences in Hubei Normal University.The online questionnaire was performed to investigate the current situation of their biological knowledge learning.The survey results were compared with the biological knowledge needs of high school biology teachers and analyzed.The results showed that the basic biological knowledge,biological life knowledge,biological science history and biological science knowledge of the biological teacher students could meet the basic requirements,but the advanced knowledge and experimental knowledge were still insufficient.We have carried out relevant analysis and proposed reasonable and feasible suggest based on the current situation.The purpose of this research is to provide reference for the training of biological teacher students and professional curriculum reform in our school,and to improve the quality of the training of biological teacher students.
作者 李晓波 宋嫚 阳兴亚 侯垚瑶 刘静 陈亮 董昌金 张润锋 陈新鹏 LI Xiao-bo;SONG Man;YANG Xing-ya;HOU Yaoyao;LIU Jing;CHEN Liang;DONG Changjin;ZHANG Runfeng;CHEN Xin-peng(Yangxin Economic Development Zone Wuyi School, Huangshi 435002, China;College of Life Science, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi 435002, China)
出处 《湖北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第1期113-118,共6页 Journal of Hubei Normal University:Natural Science
基金 湖北师范大学教学研究与改革项目(202033,202050) 湖北师范大学课程思政项目(KCSZ202009KCSZ202017) 教师教育开放基金(TEY01) 湖北师范大学师范生教学研究项目(2021-123、124、126)。
关键词 新高考改革 生物师范生 生物学科知识 new college entrance examination reform students majored in biology in normal university biological knowledge
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