
西医院校中医课程思政教学探索与实践 被引量:7

Exploration and practice of ideological and political teaching in traditional Chinese medicine courses in Western medical colleges and universities
摘要 “育人为本、德育为先”是实施高校教育的主导思想,中医药文化是博大精深的中华文化的瑰宝,在西医院校中的中医课程作为中医文化传承的重要载体和中医文化创新的重要源泉,将其融入西医院校的中医课程教学中,不仅丰富了西医院校中医课程的教学内容,加强了课程思政建设,也是传承中华民族文化的必然选择。本文分析高校专业课程思政教学中目前存在的主要问题,其中包括对课程思政主体认识不够;高校课程思政缺乏创新,立德树人成效不显;社会价值的多元化,加大了立德树人教育目标实现难度;课程评价体系中德育权重较小,影响立德树人目标的实现等。并围绕如何实现中医专业课程教学过程中的育人内涵展开讨论,可通过运用多种形式,挖掘中医文化的立德育人资源和内涵;提升专业课授课教师队伍的人文素质;通过设计调查问卷及多方评价不断改进与完善教学方法;充分利用线上课程及网络空间的优势,弥补课堂教学的不足等,从而探索出适合西医院校中医课程思政教学的特色课堂模式,达到将专业知识与课程思政内容紧密融合,引导学生实现中医人文知识的内化和道德情操的升华。 "Education is fundamental and moral education is the premise"is the leading idea of the implementation of college education.Traditional Chinese medicine culture is the treasure of broad and profound Chinese culture.As an important carrier of traditional Chinese medicine culture inheritance and an essential source of traditional Chinese medicine culture innovation,traditional Chinese medicine courses are integrated into the teaching in Western medicine colleges and universities.Such integration not only enriches the teaching content of traditional Chinese medicine course in Western medical colleges and universities,but also strengthens the curriculum-based ideological and political education construction,which is also an inevitable choice to inherit the Chinese culture.This paper analyzes the current main problems existing in the ideological and political teaching of professional courses in colleges and universities,including the following aspects:insufficient understanding of the subject of ideological and political teaching;lack of innovation in ideological and political courses in colleges and universities,and lack of effectiveness in"Building Morality and Cultivating People";The diversification of social values making it more difficult to achieve the educational goal of"Building Morality and Cultivating People";Small weight of moral education in the curriculum evaluation system affecting the realization of the goal of"Building Morality and Cultivating People".The paper also discusses how to realize the educational connotation in the teaching process of traditional Chinese medicine.We can excavate the moral education resources and connotation of traditional Chinese medicine culture by using various forms;Improve the humanistic quality of teachers teaching professional courses;Constantly improve and polish the teaching methods through the design of questionnaires and multi-party evaluation;Make full use of the advantages of online courses and cyberspace to make up for the shortcomings of classroom teaching,so as to explore a characteristic classroom mode suitable for the ideological and political teaching of traditional Chinese medicine in Western medical colleges and universities,closely integrate professional knowledge with the curriculumbased ideological and political education content,and guide students to realize the internalization of humanistic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and the sublimation o f moral sentiment.
作者 党慧敏 李金娥 吴喜利 安鹏 王文方 DANG Huimin;LI Jin'e;WU Xili;An Peng;WANG Wenfang(Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Shaanxi,Xi'an 710004,China)
出处 《中国医药科学》 2022年第3期75-79,共5页 China Medicine And Pharmacy
基金 陕西省西安交通大学思政工作创新研究课题(2019SZCXKT02)。
关键词 西医院校 立德育人 中医文化 课程思政 Western medicine colleges and universities Building morality and cultivating people Traditional Chinese medicine culture Curriculum-based ideological and poli tical education
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