

Assessment of the molecular physiological mechanism of cellular phosphate homeostasis and reutilization in rice
摘要 磷是作物生长发育必需的大量矿质营养元素。由于磷酸盐易被土壤所固定的特性,往往需要大量施用磷肥来满足作物需求,这造成了田间磷肥利用效率低且带来环境污染风险。提高作物体内磷素利用效率,减少对外界磷素供应的依赖是磷素养分高效的重要途径。目前,大量研究解析了作物磷素信号调控网络及其调控磷素吸收的分子生理机制,但针对作物自身磷素利用效率的研究相对较少,相关的植物营养生物学认知不足,尤其是体内磷素循环再利用的分子生理机制至今仍不清楚。一个重要限制因素是缺乏高效经济的植物细胞内磷含量检测技术。植物体内磷素转移再利用的主要形态为磷酸盐,因此,发展植物细胞水平的磷酸盐检测技术,并利用该技术解析磷信号调控网络如何响应外界磷素供应和体内组织细胞间磷酸盐分布,调节组织细胞间磷酸盐循环再利用机制具有重要的科学意义,并能为水稻田间磷素养分高效利用提供新的理论和技术。 Phosphorus is one of the essential mineral nutrients for crop production.As phosphorus is easily fixed in soil,a large amount of phosphate fertilizer is often applied to meet crop demands.This has resulted in low utilization efficiency of phosphate fertilizers and high environmental risk.Improving the phosphorus utilization efficiency in crops will help reduce the reliance on external phosphorus supply.Many studies have identified the phosphate signaling network and its role in regulation of phosphate uptake in crops.However,the understanding of phosphorus utilization efficiency in crops is still obscure,especially the molecular physiological mechanism of phosphorus reutilization is still unclear.An important reason for this knowledge gap is lack of efficient and economic detection technologies for cellular phosphorus content in plants.Given that the majority of phosphorus that is remobilized in plant is in the form of phosphate,it is necessary to develop a novel plant cellular phosphate detection technology.With this technology,we can understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of how the external phosphorus availability and the internal cellular phosphate content regulate cellular phosphate homeostasis and reutilization in rice.This can provide new theory and technology for the efficient phosphate utilization in rice production.
作者 赵红玉 徐磊 易可可 ZHAO Hong-yu;XU Lei;YI Ke-ke(Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期375-378,共4页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(32130096)。
关键词 水稻 磷素利用效率 磷循环再利用 磷酸盐检测技术 rice phosphate phosphorus utilization efficiency phosphorus recycling and re-use phosphate detection technology
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