
DRG收付费政策的设计与实践 被引量:5

Design and Practices of DRG Pricing and Payment Policy
摘要 DRG收付费政策的制定是DRG体系设计的重要组成部分,合理的制定DRG组价格和相关的收付费政策对于以DRG为杠杆撬动医院规范诊疗行为、建立运行新机制有着重要作用。文章从国际经验与国内C-DRG的试点实践经验两方面探讨了DRG定价和收付费政策设计的相关概念、计算流程和关注要点,为试点地区完善DRG定价和收付费政策提供借鉴参考。 The formulation of DRG pricing and payment policies is an important part of the design of DRG system.The reasonable formulation of DRG prices and related pricing and payment policies plays an important role in using DRG as a lever to leverage doctors to standardize diagnosis and treatment behaviors and establish a new mechanism for hospital operation in China.Based on the international DRG implementation experiences and the domestic experiences of Chinese Diagnosis Related Group(C-DRG) piloting cites,the paper focuses on the relevant concepts,calculation procedures and key points of the C-DRG pricies and payment policy design,and provided references for other DRG piloting cites and hospitals.
作者 郎婧婧 LANG Jing-jing(China National Health Development Research Center of National Health Commission,Beijing,100044,China)
出处 《中国卫生经济》 北大核心 2022年第1期83-87,共5页 Chinese Health Economics
关键词 按疾病诊断相关分组 收付费制度改革 相对权重 基础费率 Diagnosis Related Groups pricing and payment reform relative weight base rate
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