

Influencing Factors of Creational Space Librarian Service Based on Three-dimensional Interaction Model
摘要 优化创客空间服务,提升馆员创客服务质量和能力,对创客空间建设发展有重要价值。文章通过调查问卷收集数据并进行实证研究,借助社会认知理论构建以个体认知、行为、环境因素为维度的三元交互模型。研究发现:信念态度、结果期望、归因、社会规范、互惠关系、舆论、自我效能、观察学习8个因素对馆员服务产生显著的正向影响;个体认知、行为与环境因素包涵的15个影响因子在服务中产生相关性作用;由此提出基于社会认知理论的创客空间馆员服务对策。 Optimizing the maker space service and improving the quality and ability of librarians'maker service are of great value to the construction and development of maker space.This paper collects data through questionnaires and conducts empirical research.With the help of social cognitive theory,it constructs a ternary interaction model with individual cognition,behavior and environmental factors as dimensions.It is found that eight factors,such as belief and attitude,expectation of results,attribution,social norms,reciprocity,public opinion,self-efficacy and observation and learning,have a significant positive impact on librarian service.The 15 influencing factors included in individual cognition,behavior and environmental factors play a correlation role in service.Therefore,this paper puts forward the service countermeasures of makers'space librarians based on social cognitive theory.
作者 陶继华 沈青青 TAO Ji-hua;SHEN Qing-qing(The CPC Anhui Provincial Committee,Hefei,Anhui 230022;Shanghai Vocational and Technical College of Electronic Information,Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center,Shanghai 201411,China)
出处 《大庆师范学院学报》 2022年第2期31-41,共11页 Journal of Daqing Normal University
基金 2017年度国家社会科学基金项目“图书馆创客空间服务体系中馆员与创客协作发展机制研究”(17BTQ033)。
关键词 创客空间 馆员服务 影响因素 三元交互模型 社会认知理论 maker space librarian service influencing factors ternary interaction model social cognitive theory
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