

The Probe of Modern Academic Starting Point of the Construction of New Liberal Arts and Its Enlightenment——Take Liang Qichao and Chinese Academic History of Recent 300 Years as an Example
摘要 开端即源头,也是事物发展的起点,它决定着事物的未来发展方向。当前我国的新文科建设,目的在于创建新的中国现代性,它是牵动着世界现代性向何处去的一个必不可少的组成部分,而中国的现代性教育学术则是使得中国自身的教育现代性往哪里走的关键要素。本文从晚清民初的时代背景出发,以开展典型中国现代性教育学术开端建设活动的梁启超为例,探究其讲授与著述“中国近三百年学术史”的宏图追求及对我国当前新文科建设的启示:一是面向西方形成我国现代时间观念,从而在与西方现代科技文明的碰撞中重新认识我国古传文科特性及其精神;二是深化如何在吸收与借鉴西方现代科技文明的同时以中国文科学术去补益之;三是追溯并思考我国新文科建设的现代学术起点,即以梁启超等人为首的现代教育学术建设之路,如何在当前得以传承和发扬。 The beginning is the source and the starting point of the development of things, it determines the future development direction of things. At present, the construction of “the New Liberal” in our country aims at creating a new Chinese modernity, which is an essential component of the direction of the world modernity, and the academic education of Chinese modernity is the key element that influences the developmental direction of China’s own educational modernity. From the background of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, we explore the writing of Liang Qichao, who is a typical example of the beginning academic construction activities of modern Chinese education, the purpose of this study is to explore Liao Qichao’s pursuit of writing and teaching Chinese Academic History of Recent 300 Years and its implications for the construction of the “new liberal arts” in China, which includes the following three points. The first point is to form our modern time concept in the face of the West, so as to re-understand the characteristics and spirit of ancient Chinese liberal arts in the collision with modern western scientific and technological civilization. The second is to deepen how to absorb and learn from western modern scientific and technological civilization while supplementing it with Chinese liberal arts. The third is to trace the modern academic starting point of our “new liberal arts” construction, that is, how the modern academic path of education, led by Liang Qichao and others, can be inherited and carried forward at present.
作者 韦永琼 Wei Yongqiong
出处 《新文科教育研究》 2022年第1期124-140,144,共18页 NEW LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION RESEARCH
关键词 新文科 中国现代性 现代教育学术 梁启超 New Liberal Arts Chinese modernity modern educational academic Liang Qichao
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