
区域法治评价:主观评价何以低于客观评价?--以“珠三角”城市为例 被引量:5

A Study on Evaluation of Regional Rule of Law:Why Subjective Evaluation Is Lower than Objective Evaluation?--Taking the Cities in the Pearl River Delta as an Example
摘要 “以评促建”补齐区域法治建设短板,是推进全面依法治国的价值工具。作为层次分析法特例,将主客观指标互补互证的区域法治评价指标体系运用于“珠三角”城市的实证中,结果显示,2015—2020年三次评价指数,主观评价均明显低于客观评价。这种现象(二者落差)将导致法治建设目标价值偏离、建设动力耗散和政府公信力弱化。究其原因,涉及历史文化、体制机制、群众认知与个体偏好等复杂因素,但主要指向法治供给与需求错位、人治观念及其惯性、群众参与机制缺失以及抽样调查的系统性误差等。基于国家发展战略中“珠三角”城市法治建设的示范性与引领性,进一步提升区内法治指数,应以群众满意度最大化为导向,科学定位法治建设目标,不断满足社会法治需求,提高法治公共产品质量。同时,要努力遏制各种形式主义,让人民群众成为法治建设的主体。 With an aim to correct the weaknesses for regional construction of rule of law,the principle of promot-ing construction through evaluation serves as a valuable instrument to implement the rule of law in all as-pects.To make a special case of the analytic hierarchy process,this paper constructs a regional rule of lawevaluation index system which comprises subjective and objective indicators in a complementary way.Re-garding the empirical analysis,the system is applied to the cities of the Pearl River Delta.The evaluationindexes collected from 2015 to 2020 reveal that the subjective evaluation is much lower than the objectiveevaluation.Such phenomenon(the gap between the two)will lead to the deviation of target value embodiedin the construction of rule of law,the dissipation of construction motivation,and the weakening of govern-ment credibility.Part of the reasons for this gap involved complex factors such as historical and culturaldifferences,institutional mechanism,public cognition and individual preference.However,the principalexplanations are the dislocation of supply and demand for the rule of law,the concept of the rule of manand its inertia,the lack of mass participation mechanism,and the systematic error of sampling survey.Con-sidering its exemplary and leading role in national development strategies,the regional construction of ruleof law in the“Pearl River Delta”cities calls for further improvement.Therefore,with the guidance ofthe principle of maximizing people’s satisfaction,the government should set up the goal of rule of law con-struction in a scientific way,to meet the social demands for rule of law and improve the quality of publicgoods concerning the rule of law.In addition,it is important to curb formalism of all kinds and lead citi-zens to become the main role in the construction of the rule of law.
作者 郑方辉 王正 柳洁 Zheng Fanghui;Wang Zheng;Liu Jie
出处 《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期230-240,288,共12页 Social Sciences in Guangdong
基金 广东省法学会重点研究基地、广东省重点智库项目“法治社会评价体系研究”及华南理工大学“双一流”建设项目“法治政府绩效评价研究”(项目号2021CZ03)成果。
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