
基于零和博弈的电力系统鲁棒优化调度研究 被引量:9

Robust optimal dispatch of a power system based on a zero-sum game
摘要 随着多种分布式能源的规模化接入,其固有的随机特性及多方利益冲突问题给电力系统调度决策带来了新的挑战。为此,深度融合鲁棒优化与零和博弈机制,分别将大自然与电力调度人员作为博弈参与方,提出了一种考虑调度人员与大自然博弈的电力系统鲁棒调度协同规划方法。其中,针对电动汽车移动与储能属性耦合的不确定性,将其交通行为进行集群化处理。进而基于电动汽车、风电、火电机组的出力及运行费用特性,建立含多种能源形式的min-max调度博弈模型,并采用两阶段松弛算法进行求解。实验结果验证了所提调度模型及相关调度策略在不依赖准确风电预测的同时,能实现风、车等能源的协同增效经济运行,为解决不确定分布式能源接入电力系统的优化决策问题提供了新的研究思路。 With the large-scale accessing of various forms of distributed energy, its inherent random characteristics and multi-player conflicts of interest bring new challenges to power system dispatching. By deeply integrating a robust optimization and zero-sum game mechanism, taking nature and power dispatcher as game players, a robust dispatching collaborative planning method for a power system considering the game between dispatcher and nature is proposed. There is a problem of the uncertainty of the coupling between the traffic and energy properties of electric vehicles. To address this electric vehicles are first clustered based on their traffic attributes. Then, based on power output and operating cost characteristics of the vehicles, wind power and thermal power units, a min-max scheduling game model with multiple energy forms is established and analysed by a two-stage relaxation algorithm. The simulation results confirm that the proposed dispatching model and related strategies can realize the coordinated synergistic economic operation of wind,electric vehicles and other energy without relying on accurate wind power prediction. This provides a new approach for solving the power dispatching decision problem of uncertain distributed energy access.
作者 董燕 杨俊林 朱永胜 李秋燕 陈斌 聂彩静 DONG Yan;YANG Junlin;ZHU Yongsheng;LI Qiuyan;CHEN Bin;NIE Caijing(School of Electronic and Information Engineering,Zhongyuan University of Technology,Zhengzhou 450007,China;Economic Research Institute,State Grid Henan Electric Power Company,Zhengzhou 450052,China;Henan Senyuan Electric Co.,Ltd.,Changge 461500,China)
出处 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期55-64,共10页 Power System Protection and Control
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目资助(61873292) 河南省高等学校重点科研计划项目资助(22ZX011,20A470019) 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划项目资助(2018GGJS104)。
关键词 电力调度 零和博弈 鲁棒优化 min-max模型 分布式能源 power dispatch zero-sum game robust optimization min-max model distributed energy
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