

The Development and Practice of Women's Policies in Germany: Based on an Analysis of Women's Policies in Germany from 2015-2020
摘要 德国妇女运动史从历史的角度可被视作是与性别不平等不断斗争的过程。早在魏玛共和国时期,德国女性就通过大量的努力获得了选举权。之后,随着性别平等意识进一步觉醒,德国女性希望在社会各方面都获得与男性平等的权利。作为欧洲第一大经济体,德国在发展经济的同时相继出台了一系列妇女政策以提升女性的政治地位,在妇女政策的制定与实施方面积累了大量经验,从其2015年至2020年出台的各项政策中可见一斑。在政策实践过程中,德国也面临着社会层面、政治层面、文化层面等的冲突与困难,对此德国政府已提出了一些相应的解决措施。另外,一些新的法律法规也会在不久的将来逐步实施。 Historically,the women's movement in Germany is regarded as the fight against gender inequality.As early as in the Weimar Republic,German women won the suffrage through great efforts.After that,following the awakening of gender equality awareness,German women hope to achieve the same rights as men in social aspects.As the top economic power in Europe,the German government formulated numbers of women's policies in order to improve their political status,and as a result,accumulated plentiful experiences of women's policies,and certain measures can be found through policies enacted from 2015 to 2020.However,Germany itself encountered many social,political and cultural difficulties and conflicts during the process of practice,in face of which,the German government has proposed some equivalent countermeasures.In addition,some new laws and legislation will be enacted in the near future.
作者 谷劲松 GU Jinsong
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2022年第2期91-98,共8页 Journal of China Women's University
关键词 德国 德国女性 性别平等 妇女政策 政治参与 Germany gender equality women's policies participation in political affairs
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