

The New Cold War and the U.S.Economic Policy:A n Interview with Professor David Kotz
摘要 2021年9月,联合国秘书长古特雷斯在接受美联社采访时,警告会出现"新冷战"的可能性,呼吁以合作代替对抗。本次访谈对象为美国马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校经济学系荣休教授大卫·科茨,他详细阐释了美国试图推行的"新冷战"的内容和本质,分析了其根源、可能导致的后果及应对措施,并就作为"新冷战"一部分的贸易争端(尤其是其中涉及的就业问题)提出了独到见解。最后,他展望了拜登政府"重建更美好未来"计划等经济政策的前景,认为对政府债务上升的潜在风险的担忧不应成为美国推行扩张性财政政策的障碍。2008年经济和金融危机标志着新自由主义资本主义进入危机阶段,也意味着一个新的积累的社会结构的产生。究竟美国将走向绿色社会民主主义还是威权民族主义,目前尚无定论,但发起"新冷战"绝对无益于解决美国当前所面临的重重问题。 In an interview with the Associated Press in September 2021,UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of the possibility of a new Cold War,and called for cooperation instead of confrontation.We interviewed David M.Kotz,professor emeritus in the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.He explained in detail the content and the nature of the new Cold War that the U.S.is trying to promote.He also analyzed its underlying roots and possible consequences and the countermeasures to it,and provided unique insights into the trade disputes(especially employment-related issues)as part of the new Cold War.Finally,he discussed the Biden administration’s current economic policies such as the Build Back Better Plan,arguing that high levels of public debt should not be a severe concern on any progressive economic initiatives.The 2008 economic and financial crisis is a signal that neoliberal capitalism has entered a crisis stage,and it is also a signal of the emergence of a new social structure of accumulation.Whether the U.S.will shift toward the“green social democracy”form of capitalism or the authoritarian nationalist form of capitalism is still inconclusive,but launching a new Cold War will certainly not help solve the many problems currently faced by the U.S.
作者 杨青梅 Yang Qingmei
出处 《马克思主义与现实》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期154-160,204,共8页 Marxism & Reality
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