
沥青-级配粒料铺面在境外欠发达地区港口上的应用 被引量:1

Application of pavement of asphalt and graded granular material at ports in underdeveloped regions overseas
摘要 沥青铺面以沥青混合料面层-水泥稳定碎石(水稳)基层结构为主,而境外欠发达地区通常缺乏稳定的原材料供应,自建水稳拌合站亦相对困难,水稳的施工质量、进度往往难以保证。为解决该问题,需要选择合适的水稳替代材料。综合分析适用性、原材料供应等因素,选择级配粒料为替代材料,并合理分析转换系数、优化级配粒料层厚度,可以有效降低施工难度和风险,确保质量、进度、成本可控。以南亚某港口项目采用沥青-级配粒料铺面结构为例,介绍该型铺面结构在境外欠发达地区的应用。实施效果表明:级配粒料压实性好,沥青表面无裂缝、车辙,道路无明显差异性沉降。 Asphalt pavement mostly has a structure of a surface layer of asphalt mixture and a base layer of cement bound granular mixtures(CBGM). However, underdeveloped regions overseas are often without stable material supply and unable to build CBGM batching plants by themselves and maintain the quality and progress of CBGM construction. A suitable substitute material for CBGM needs to be chosen to tackle this problem. A graded granular material is adopted as the substitute material after a comprehensive analysis of factors such as adaptability and raw material availability, and the conversion factor is analyzed properly to optimize the thickness of the graded granular material layer. In this way, construction difficulties and risks can be significantly reduced, and quality, progress, and cost of construction can be controlled. This paper, taking a port project in South Asia that adopts a pavement structure of asphalt and the graded granular material as an example, describes the application of such pavement structure in underdeveloped regions overseas. According to the implementation result, the graded granular material has a good capacity of compaction, no cracking or rutting is observed on the asphalt surface, and no observable differential settlement of the road occurs.
作者 王鹏飞 田渊 蔡伟 WANG Peng-fei;TIAN Yuan;CAI Wei(CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100007,China;Fisheries Engineering Institute,CAFS,Beijing 100141,China)
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2022年第3期61-65,77,共6页 Port & Waterway Engineering
关键词 沥青铺面 转换系数 水稳 级配粒料 asphalt pavement conversion factor CBGM graded granular material
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