
收敛性、弹性与差异性:退休政策调整的国际实践及对中国的启示 被引量:11

Convergence, Flexibility and Difference: The International Practice of Delaying Retirement Age Policy and Its References for China
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,很多国家采取积极提高退休年龄的方法有效应对劳动年龄人口供给下降、社会保障财务压力和预期寿命延长的挑战。虽然各国延迟退休政策的规则各不相同,但政策调整工具和路径优化呈收敛特征,主要体现在退休政策调整目标的多重性、调整内容的趋同性、退休政策调整配套措施的立体化、改革路径的渐进性和政策设计的弹性化五个方面。由于各国政治经济体制、人口老龄化水平、福利制度、劳动力市场结构和文化传统等的差异,退休政策调整的效果和老龄劳动参与情况仍具有明显的国别差异。国外延迟退休政策的调整实践对推进我国“十四五”期间渐进式延迟退休政策落地有重要的借鉴意义和启示,我国渐进式延迟退休政策改革思路可概括为:坚持弹性化退休政策的长期改革方向,通过提前优化退休政策改革环境和“小步慢走、实施经济激励”的改革方式,协同配套构建年龄友好型劳动力市场环境,构建具有中国特色的退休政策体系。 Since the 1990 s, many countries have adopted flexible retirement policies to effectively confront the challenges of working-age population shortages, social security financial pressures, and increased life expectancy. Flexible retirement policies vary from country to country, but policy adjustment tools and path optimization are convergent, which are mainly reflected in multiple objectives of retirement policy adjustment,convergent retirement policy adjustment contents, progressive reform path and flexible policy design, etc.However, due to the differences in economic system, political environment, welfare system, labor market and cultural tradition, the practical effect of the delayed retirement policy and the participation of the elderly still differ from country to country. The practice of adjusting delayed retirement policy in the foreign countries has important reference significance for the implementation of gradual delayed retirement policy in China during the14 th Five-year Plan period. The adjustment idea of Chinese retirement policy can be summarized as follows:adhering to the long-term reform direction of flexible retirement policy through adjusting in advance to optimize the retirement policy reform environment and adopting the reform way of“step by step, take small steps”, and then coordinating with each other to build an age-friendly labor market environment and to establish a retirement policy system with Chinese characteristics.
作者 刘桂莲 Liu Guilian
出处 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期105-114,共10页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 北京市社会科学基金青年项目“2020年后北京市相对贫困标准的制定与社会保障制度改革应对研究”(20SRC021)。
关键词 延迟法定退休年龄 弹性退休 收敛性 差异性 Delay Legal Retirement Age Flexible Retirement Convergence Difference
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