
生肌止痛散外敷联合肛裂切除术治疗陈旧性肛裂30例疗效观察 被引量:3

Externally Dressing with Shengji Zhitong Powder Combined with Resection of Anal Fissure in the Treatment of Old Anal Fissure:Effect Observation on 30 Cases
摘要 为观察生肌止痛散外敷联合肛裂切除术治疗陈旧性肛裂的临床疗效,将60例陈旧性肛裂患者按随机数字表法分为治疗组和对照组,各30例。2组均行陈旧性肛裂切除术治疗,治疗组术后给予生肌止痛散创面外敷,对照组术后给予疮疡灵粉创面外敷。观察比较2组临床疗效,肛管静息压及并发症情况。结果显示,2组总有效率均为100.00%,但治疗组痊愈率优于对照组(P<0.05);治疗组肛管静息压低于对照组(P<0.05);并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结果表明,生肌止痛散外敷联合肛裂切除术治疗陈旧性肛裂临床疗效显著,能降低肛管静息压,减少并发症的发生。 This study was to investigate the clinical effect of external dressing with shenji zhitong powder(powder)combined with resection of anal fissure(AF)in the treatment of old AF,randomly divided 60 old AF patients who all received resection of AF into treatment(30 cases,after surgery,adopted powder for externally dressing)and control group(30 cases,after surgery,chuangyangling powder for externally dressing);then,observed and compared both groups’ clinical effect,anus resting pressure,and complication status.As results,thought both groups’ total effective rate all were 100.00%,but the curative rate of treatment group was higher than that of control group(P <0.05);Also,in anus resting pressure and complication incidence observation group was all lower than control group(P <0.05).Results show that powder combined with resection for old AF is superior to chuangyangling powder in clinical effect,in reducing complication,and in loweren anus resting pressure.
作者 牛明了 梁伟涛 NIU Ming-liao;LIANG Wei-tao(Coloproctological Dept.,Henan Provincial TCM Hospital,Zhengzhou,Henan 450000)
出处 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2021年第12期42-43,共2页 Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
基金 河南省中医药科学研究专项课题(2018ZY2008)。
关键词 陈旧性肛裂 生肌止痛散 肛裂切除术 疗效 Old anal fissure Shengji zhitong powder Resection of anal fissure Effect
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