
工商管理学科研究前沿与资助趋势——基于NSFC工商管理学科2021年项目资助情况的分析 被引量:2

Research Frontier and Funding Trend in Business Administration: Patterns Analysis of Projects in the Business Administration of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2021
摘要 在百年未有之大变局的情况下,我国基础科学研究面临国内需求巨大和国际合作亟需的局面。为此,国家自然科学基金委持续深化科学基金改革,积极构建新时代自然科学基金体系。基于2021年国家自然科学基金工商管理学科的项目申请与资助情况,对面上、青年、地区和重点项目进行分析,分别从项目负责人、依托单位、学科领域等角度系统阐述基金资助特征,进一步以市场营销学科为例分析了工商管理学科基金资助与研究主题的发展趋势。通过对2021年工商管理学科申请资助项目的情况分析,有助于加快推进学科发展、建设学科人才队伍,进而推动中国管理科学发展。 In the context of great changes unseen in a century, China’s basic scientific research is facing a difficult situation with huge domestic demand and difficult international cooperation. To this end, the National Natural Science Foundation of China continues to deepen the reform of science funds and actively build a natural science fund system in the new era.Based on the project application and funding status of the Business Administration discipline of The National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2021, we analyze the general project, youth project, regional project and key project, and systematically explain the funding characteristics of the National Natural Science Foundation of China from the perspectives of project leader, supporting unit and discipline field.We found that, firstly, the number of youth projects applicants showed an increasing trend. The number of the general projects applications was relatively stable, while the number of regional projects was relatively small, showing a steady trend. The discipline of business administration mainly focuses on enterprise marketing, technological innovation, financial management, organizational behavior and other research fields. Secondly, the science problem attributes of general,youth and regional projects focus on science frontier and demand-oriented, among which the projects with national demand attribute have the largest number of applications, and the projects with science frontier attribute rank second in the number of applications. Thirdly, the project support units are widely distributed, and there are differences in project approval rates. The subject of business administration shows a trend of centralization in which the supporting units with a high number of projects have a high rate of project approval. Sun Yat-sen University, Xiamen University and other comprehensive universities have a high number of applications and projects. Fourthly, the applicant’s gender and age distribution are obviously different. The rate and number of projects approved by male applicants are higher than that of female applicants. The youth project approval rate is the highest among 30-32 years old, the general project applicants are the most among 36-43 years old, and the regional project applicants are mostly among 36-52 years old.By analyzing the situation of applying for funding projects for business administration disciplines in 2021, it can help to accelerate the development of disciplines, construct disciplinary personnel, and further promote the development of Management science in China.
作者 任之光 杨凯 张光磊 沈华玉 REN Zhiguang;YANG Kai;ZHANG Guanglei;SHEN Huayu(Department of Management Sciences,National Natural Science Foundation of China,Beijing 100085,China;School of Economics,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China;School of Management,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China;School of Economics and Management,North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期76-86,共11页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 国家自然科学基金 工商管理学科 资助格局 National Natural Science Foundation of China business administration funding pattern
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