
打造面向全国统一数据要素市场体系的国家数据要素流通共性基础设施平台——构建国家“数联网”根服务体系的技术路径与若干思考 被引量:21

Constructing a Common Data Circulation Infrastructure Platform for the National Unified Data Factor Market——Technical Path and Policy Thinking of Constructing the National “Data Networking” Root Service System
摘要 【目的】打造面向全国统一数据要素市场体系的国家数据要素流通共性基础设施平台,围绕人、企、车、物、地等基础对象建立数据资源标识统一编码解析体系,引导各方加强数据要素流通全流程中的分类分级标识标定管理,支持提供数据登记备案、供需撮合、信用评估、合规公证、资产评估等共性公共服务,促进全国范围内跨地区、跨行业的数据要素流通交易平台互联互通和融合发展,为参与数据交易各类市场主体提供安全可信流通环境和共性公共服务。【方法】梳理近几年国内外数据流通交易相关技术研究及应用现状,结合当前国内数据要素市场建设面临的共性问题,提出国家"数联网"根服务体系总体架构。【结果】明确以数据标识融合、跨区块链及跨隐私计算平台基础支撑体系为依托,以数据流通交易公共服务体系为载体的国家"数联网"根服务体系总体建设思路。【局限】需进一步研究论证目前提出技术路径的完备性、可扩展性。【结论】提出的国家"数联网"根服务体系对打造国家数据要素流通共性基础设施,面向社会提供安全可信的共性公共服务和培育数据要素市场与产业生态具有重要作用。 [Objective] This paper is to construct a common data circulation infrastructure for the national unified data factor market. Establish a unified data identification coding and analysis system of basis data objects such as people, enterprises, cars, things and places. Guide all parties to strengthen the management of data classification,grading and identification calibration during the whole process of data factor circulation. Give support to provide common public services, such as data registration and filing, supply and demand matching, credit evaluation,compliance notarization, asset evaluation, etc. Promote the interconnection and integration development of nationwide cross-regional and cross-industry data factor circulation trading platforms. Provide safe and credible circulation environment and common public services for various market entities involved in data transactions.[Methods] We conduct a literature review on the recent development of related technologies to promote data circulation and transaction at home and abroad. Given the common difficulties the domestic data factor market construction comes across, we propose the national“data networking”root service system. [Results] This paper clarifies the construction ideas the national“data networking”root service system, with data identification fusion,blockchain interoperability and privacy preserving computing platform interoperability served as the basic support and the public service system of data circulation and transaction served as the carrier. [Limitations] Further research is needed to demonstrate the completeness, scalability and robustness of this proposed technical path.[Conclusions] The proposed national“data networking”root service system plays an important role in building the common data circulation infrastructure platform, providing safe and credible common public services and cultivating the data factor market and industrial ecology.
作者 窦悦 易成岐 黄倩倩 莫心瑶 王建冬 于施洋 Dou Yue;Yi Chengqi;Huang Qianqian;Mo Xinyao;Wang Jiandong;Yu Shiyang(Department of Information Management,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China;Department of Big Data Development,State Information Center,Beijing 100045,China;School of Information Resource Management,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China;Department of Research and Consulting,Greater Bay Area Big Data Research Institute,Shenzhen 518048,China)
出处 《数据分析与知识发现》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期2-12,共11页 Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(项目编号:18CSH018)的研究成果之一。
关键词 数据要素 数联网 流通交易 根服务体系 公共服务 Data Factor Data Networking Circulation Transactions Root Service System Public Service
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