

Textual Researches on the Writing time of Five Yuan Haowen’s Ci Poems
摘要 文章明确了元好问五首词的作时,其中有拙《谱》未及者,亦有订正其失误者,还有学界对拙《谱》之词作系年持异议者,兼及对词意的新解和词人与交游的行迹。一、《江梅引》(红杏墙头粉光匀),"杨白花"暗指白华;二、《鹧鸪天》(临锦堂前春水波),此"临锦堂"在宋徽宗即位前之潜邸隆德宫;三、《江城子》(来鸿去燕十年间),"蒙泉"指定襄县南丛蒙山之三泉,词人与刘济川、周献臣曾约定共隐于此;四、《定风波》(离合悲欢酒一壶),甲辰秋词人至河南迁母葬路经永宁时作;五、《人月圆·卜居外家东园》,"外家"指嗣母张氏之娘家,在阳曲县北。 The writing times of Yuan Haowen’s five poems are clarified in this paper.It includes things without mention and mistakes in my book named A new chronicle of Yuan Haowen and the objections held by the academic circles of the book.Added to the reinterpretation of the five poems and traces of social intercourse of Yuan.First, Plum blossom in City of Jiang(The red apricot at the top of the wall is uniform in color):Yang Baihua is equal to the person named Bai Hua.Second, Partridge in the Sky(Spring floods wave in front of Linjin Hall): Linjin Hall is the Longde Palace which is a residence of emperor SONG Hui-zong before ascending the throne.Third, Riverside Town(It has been ten years since the wild geese came back and the swallows returned):"Spring water of Meng" is equivalent to "The Three springs",which located at Congmeng Mountain in the southern of Dingxiang County.Two writers Liu Jichuan and Zhou Xianchen once reached an agreement to live in seclusion at here.Four, Cailming the Waves(Drink a pot of wine full of joys and sorrows):The writer passed through Yongning in Autumn of 1244 when relocating his mother’s grave.Five, Man and Moon·Moving to My Mother’s East Garden:"Waijia"means to his foster mother-Zhang’s maiden home, located in the north of Yangqu County.
作者 狄宝心 赵兴华 DI Baoxing;ZHAO Xinghua(Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Xinzhou Teachers University,Xinzhou 034000,China;Xinzhou No.10 Middle School,Xinzhou 034000,China)
出处 《忻州师范学院学报》 2022年第1期1-6,共6页 Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University
关键词 元好问 作年 行迹 交游 Yuan Haowen Ci poems writing time traces social intercourse
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