

The Text Structure of the Manuscript of Xuzhuan of Hanshu and the Debate on Authenticity
摘要 所谓《汉书·叙传》“真本”,并非《汉书》“叙传”部分,而是东汉永平年间班固所上表之过录副本。它在东汉至萧梁的大体成文、流传经过为:东汉永平十六年(73),班固总结《汉书》诸卷大义等,以表的形式进呈明帝;此后,这篇表经班固或他人整理,收入班固文集或东汉档案文书等资料中,并书写在简牍上;其后,鉴于简牍难以长时间保存等方面原因,有人将该简牍版表转录在纸上,在转抄过程中,由于不明阅读简牍文字顺序,误将篇次“中篇”二字掺入正文中;后来,三辅地区某人,见此纸质版表与《汉书·叙传》内容大致相同,以为其系《汉书·叙传》“真本”;萧梁时,一僧人获得《汉书·叙传》“真本”,并将之从北方带到萧梁宣城,此后“真本”先后为萧琛、萧范、萧统收藏。《汉书·叙传》“真本”所载《汉书》卷数、篇章结构等,对于考索《汉书》的版本、成书等具有重要的文献价值。 The so-called Manuscript of Xuzhuan of Hanshu is not the original part of Hanshu,but a copy of the Memorial recorded by Ban Gu(32AD—92AD)in the reign of Yongping of Eastern Han Dynasty(58AD—75AD).From Eastern Han Dynasty to Xiao Liang Dynasty(502AD—557AD),the general process of writing and circulating is as follows:in the sixteenth year of Yongping(73AD),Ban Gu generalized the main point of volumes of Hanshu and submitted to Emperor Ming.After that,the Memorial was compiled by Ban Gu or the other people,and was included in the materials of the Ban Gu Wen Ji or Eastern Han Dynasty documents and other documents,and written in the Bamboo slip.Later,for the reason that the Bamboo slip was difficult to save for long time and other reasons,some people copy the Memorial into the paper.In the process of copying,because the transcriber was unclear about the order of the text,the words of"middle chapter"were mistakenly incorporated into the text.Later,a man found that the Memorial was similar to the Xuzhuan of Hanshu,and thought that they were the same book.In Xiao Liang Dynasty,a monk got the Memorial and brought it from the north to Xuancheng.Afterwards,the Memorial was collected by Xiao Chen,Xiao Fan and Xiao Tong.The Number of rolls and structure of Hanshu written in the Memorial have important literature value for studying the version and writing of Hanshu.
作者 颜世明 YAN Shiming(School of Marxism Studies, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong 255000,China;Historical Research Center, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei, Anhui 235000,China)
出处 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第1期122-131,共10页 Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Social Sciences)
基金 安徽省高等学校人文社会科学研究重点项目(SK2020A0064)。
关键词 《汉书·叙传》“真本” 文本结构 真伪 班固 The Manuscript of Xuzhuan of Hanshu text structure authenticity Ban Gu
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