Based on the precipitation data from 1951 to 2020 in Shapingba District, Chongqing, the precipitation characteristics and future precipitation trend in this area are studied by using Mann Kendall mutation test, ensemble empirical mode decomposition and rescaled range analysis. The results show that except for autumn, the annual precipitation and the precipitation in spring, summer and winter in Shapingba District during the period 1951-2020 all showed an increasing trend. In addition, the number of annual precipitation days in Shapingba during the study period showed a decreasing trend, while the number of annual heavy rain days and torrential rain days showed an increasing trend. The number of annual precipitation days suddenly changed in 1982 and the number of annual heavy rain days suddenly changed in 2017. The periodic decomposition of annual precipitation shows that the variance contribution rate of the period of 2-7 years is the largest, which is similar to the period of ENSO events, indicating that the periodic changes of annual precipitation in Shapingba may be related to ENSO events. The Hurst index calculated based on the rescaled range analysis method shows that the annual precipitation and seasonal precipitation in Shapingba may show a decreasing trend in the future.
XIA Chengwei;YUAN Shayue;SUN Qiuju;MAO Yuqing;WANG Quan(College of Geography and Tourism,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331)
Henan Science and Technology