
基于IPCC法大兴安岭兴安落叶松人工林碳计量参数研究 被引量:2

Carbon Measurement Parameters of Larix gmelina Plantation in the Great Xing'an Mountains Based on IPCC Method
摘要 【目的】碳计量参数的研究对科学评价大兴安岭林区森林碳汇功能和价值以及合理制定应对全球气候变化策略具有十分重要意义。【方法】本文以内蒙古大兴安岭地区兴安落叶松人工林为研究对象,利用NPP方法对不同林龄的兴安落叶松人工林生物量碳储量进行测定,依据联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布的指南方法,计算兴安落叶松人工林的碳计量参数,并与IPCC提供的生物量碳计量参数进行差异分析,并分析实测碳计量参数与林龄、胸径、林分密度等易测因子的相关性,对比分析NPP法实测碳储量与IPCC法获得碳储量之间的差异。【结果】(1)碳计量参数中除根茎比(R)外,其他的碳计量参数的实测值均大于IPCC缺省值;(2)碳计量参数生物量转化与扩展因子(BCEF)、生物量扩展因子(BEF)和木材基本密度(WD)随林龄、及胸径呈负相关,R则是一个相对稳定的数值。【结论】IPCC指南所给出的生物量碳计量参数值会随着林龄、立地条件、林种等因素发生改变。通过与NPP法计算出来的碳储量对比发现两种方法计算的碳储量差异较大。本研究为进一步校正IPCC中的碳计量参数以及森林碳储量的准确估算提供基础数据。 【Objective】The study of carbon measurement parameters is of great significance for scientifically evaluating the function and value of forest carbon sinks in the Great Xing'an Mountains and formulating reasonable strategies to deal with global climate change.【Method】This paper took larix gmelinii in the Great Xing'an Mountains in Inner Mongolia area as the research object.The NPP method was used to measure the biomass carbon storage of larix gmelinii plantations with different forest ages.According to the guidelines issued by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC),the carbon measurement parameters of larix gmelinii plantations were calculated and compared with the IPCC.The provided biomass carbon measurement parameters were analyzed for differences,and the correlation between the measured carbon measurement parameters and easily measurable factors such as stand age,diameter at breast height,stand density,etc.was analyzed,and the difference between the carbon storage measured by the NPP method and the carbon storage obtained by the IPCC method was compared and analyzed.【Result】(1)The measured values of all the carbon measurement parameters except the root-shoot ratio(R)were greater than the default values of IPCC;(2)The biomass conversion of carbon measurement parameters was negatively correlated with the expansion factor(BCEF),biomass expansion factor(BEF)and wood basic density(WD)with stand age,and DBH,while R was a relatively stable value.【Conclusion】The biomass carbon measurement parameter values given in the IPCC guidelines will change with factors such as forest age,site conditions,and forest types.Compared with the carbon storage calculated by the NPP method,it is found that the carbon storage calculated by the two methods is quite different.This research provides basic data for further correcting the carbon measurement parameters in the IPCC and the accurate estimation of forest carbon storage.
作者 舒洋 郭娇宇 周梅 管立娟 张今奇 SHU Yang;GUO Jiao-yu;ZHOU Mei;GUAN Li-juan;ZHANG Jin-qi(College of Forestry,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019;Inner Mongolia Saihanwula Forest Ecosystem National Research Station,Chifeng 025150)
出处 《温带林业研究》 2022年第1期30-35,47,共7页 Journal of Temperate Forestry Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41563006,32001325)。
关键词 兴安落叶松 碳储量 生物量 碳计量参数 Larix gmelinii carbon storage biomass carbon measurement parameters
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