

Analysis of the dilemma and breakthrough path of the divorce cooling-off period system
摘要 离婚冷静期制度在我国《民法典》中的大胆尝试和适时引入,深刻表明我国民法工作者对因草率式冲动型离婚给社会及家庭带来的负面影响的担忧和积极探索应对之策。总体上看,《民法典》第1077条仅对离婚冷静期做了原则性规定,或许出于法律制度渐进性完善的考虑,《民法典》并未对冷静期内夫妻双方的权利义务、未成年子女的利益规范、必要的配套措施予以细化明确。若要真正建立起理论基础扎实、制度镶嵌合理、价值评价成熟、社会效益最佳的离婚冷静期制度,应从冷静期内夫妻关系的法律效力认定、设置有弹性的冷静期限、保障未成年子女的利益角度分析该条款的具体适用;引入第三方干预机制细化和完善该制度,设立“调查—咨询—调解”配套措施,发挥该制度应有之功效。 The bold attempt and timely introduction of the divorce cooling-off period system in China’s Civil Code is a profound indication of the concern of our civil law practitioners about the negative impact of hasty and impulsive divorce on society and families and their active exploration of countermeasures. On the whole, Article 1077 of the Civil Code only provides for a cooling-off period for divorce in principle, and perhaps for the sake of progressive improvement of the legal system, the Civil Code does not specify the rights and obligations of both spouses during the cooling-off period, the regulation of the interests of minor children, or the necessary supporting measures. To truly establish a divorce cooling-off period system with a solid theoretical foundation, reasonable institutional mosaic, mature value evaluation, and optimal social benefits, the specific application of this provision should be analyzed from the perspectives of determining the legal validity of the spousal relationship during the cooling-off period, setting a flexible cooling-off period, protecting the interests of minor children, introducing a third-party intervention mechanism to refine and improve the system, and establishing “investigation-counseling-mediation” support measures. The system should be refined and improved by introducing a third-party intervention mechanism and establishing “investigation-consultation-mediation” measures to give full play to the effectiveness of the system.
作者 郭涛 GUO Tao(School of Law,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,China)
机构地区 湘潭大学法学院
出处 《黑龙江工程学院学报》 CAS 2022年第1期71-76,共6页 Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology
关键词 离婚冷静期 困境 夫妻关系法律效力 未成年子女权益 干预机制 divorce cooling-off period dilemma legal validity of spousal relationship rights and interests of minor children intervention mechanism
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