
东南亚区域关系史研究的三种路径 被引量:1

Three Approaches on the Study of Southeast Asian Regional Relationship History
摘要 目前,东南亚区域关系史领域主要存在三种理论研究路径,分别是曼陀罗、上下游交换和高地低地研究路径,其中高地低地路径又以利奇模式和佐米亚模式为代表。曼陀罗路径从概念上包含"星系政体""尼加拉""曼陀罗"等类型的表达,从内涵上讲,曼陀罗强调印度教佛教文化的影响、宗教与王权的紧密结合以及统治者个人之间及其追随者之间形成的"赞助人-客户"人际关系网络以及更为突出的中心-边缘互动结构;上下游交换路径强调依托河流沿线的上下游权力中心的对立与合作关系,一般来说,下游的河口中心试图对上游的产品中心施加影响力,但这种关系也可能被逆转;高地低地路径的两类模式中,利奇模式属于常态下的高地低地交往,通常以高地部落、地区或王国为研究中心,关注它与低地中心互动以及受到低地中心的影响而导致的经济社会体系的变迁;佐米亚模式是非常态下的高地低地互动,强调高地与低地的差异、对抗及疏离。三种研究路径各有侧重,都有一些不足,但三种理论之间存在一定的互补性。上下游路径以及高地低地路径并没有否认传统的曼陀罗研究路径,无论上游还是下游,高地还是低地,大大小小的曼陀罗中心依然可能存在。因此,在未来的东南亚史研究中综合运用三种研究路径进行分析仍是可行的选择。 At present,there are three main theoretical research paths in the field of Southeast Asian regional relations history,namely mandala,upstream-downstream exchange,and highland-lowland research path.The highland-lowland path is represented by Leach model and Zomia model.The path of mandala conceptually contains similar expressions such as "galactic polity"negara" "mandala",etc.In terms of connotation,the mandala emphasizes the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism culture,and the close integration of religion and kingship and the "sponsor-client" interpersonal relationship network formed between the individual rulers and their followers,and the more prominent center-peripheral interaction structure;the upstream-downstream exchange path emphasizes the opposition between the upstream and downstream power centers along the river.Generally speaking,the downstream estuary center tries to exert influence on the upstream product center,but this relationship may also be reversed;of the two types of highland-lowland path models,the Leach model belongs to the normal highland-lowland interaction,usually taking highland tribes,regions or kingdoms as the research center,focusing on their interaction with lowland centers and the changes in the economic and social system caused by the influence of lowland centers;the Zomia model is an extraordinary interaction between highland and lowland,emphasizing the relationship of difference,confrontation and alienation between highland and lowland.The three research paths have their respective focuses and some shortcomings,but there are certain complementarities between the theories.The upstream-downstream paths and the highland-lowland paths do not deny the traditional mandala research path.Whether upstream or downstream,highland or lowland,large and small mandala centers may still exist.Therefore,it is still a feasible choice to comprehensively use the three research paths for analysis in the future research of Southeast Asian history.
作者 吕振纲 张振江 LV Zhengang;ZHANG Zhenjiang
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2022年第1期135-151,157,158,共19页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“东南亚曼陀罗国际体系的生成与变迁研究”(项目编号19CGJ011)的阶段性成果。
关键词 曼陀罗 上下游 高地低地 利奇模式 佐米亚 Mandala Upstream-downstream Upland-lowland Leach Model Zomia
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