

Discussion on compiling records on combating COVID-19 from the practice of compiling natural disaster records
摘要 自然灾害是地方志记录的传统对象之一,旧志有灾异志,近年来地方志部门先后编纂了《汶川特大地震抗震救灾志》《特大龙卷风冰雹盐城抢险救灾重建志》等志书。2020年,江苏先后编纂了《生命至上:江苏抗击新冠肺炎疫情实录》《泰州市抗击新冠肺炎疫情实录》,为编纂新冠肺炎抗击志做出了有益的探索。编纂新冠肺炎抗击志,应树立以实用为基础的指导思想。各地根据本地抗击新冠肺炎的具体情况,可选择事件志编纂体例,其框架内容以疫情概况、应急响应、组织指挥、医疗救治、预防、复工复业等为线索,依次展开记述,也可按照综合性志书的编纂体例,坚持横分门类、分类合理、门类齐全的原则,从抗击新冠肺炎疫情的各个方面,准确记述中国人民勇敢抗击新冠肺炎疫情的经历和取得的成就,为后人留下可供借鉴的宝贵经验。 Natural disasters are one of the conventional themes recorded in local chronicles.There are the records of natural disasters and abnormal phenomena in ancient chronicles.In recent years,the local chronicles offices have compiled the Records of Relief of Wenchuan Earthquake and Records of Rescue,Relief and Reconstruction of Grievous Yancheng Tornado and Hail and other chronicles.In 2020,Jiangsu Province successively compiled the Life First:Records of Jiangsu in Combating COVID-19,and Records of Taizhou in Combating COVID-19,which have made a useful exploration for compiling records of fighting against COVID-19.The compilation of combatting COVID-19 should be guided by the ideology for practical use.Based on the local situation,the chronicling can choose the event compilation style.The contents of the framework should be arranged in the order of epidemic situation,emergency response,organization and command,medical rescue,prevention and control,resumption of work and production as clues.It can also follow the style of compiling comprehensive records and stick to the principles of classification in horizontal format,reasonable classification and complete categories to truthfully record the heroic struggle of Chinese people and their achievements in fighting against the disease and serve as valuable experience for future generations.
作者 雷卫群 陈陶 周美凤 Lei Weiqun;Chen Tao;Zhou Meifeng
出处 《上海地方志》 2021年第4期12-19,94,共9页 Shanghai Chronicles
关键词 自然灾害志 新冠肺炎疫情 实录 新冠肺炎抗击志 事件志 Natural disaster records COVID-19 truthful records records on combating COVID-19 event records
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