

How“Renqing”-relationship Affects Wage Determination in Rural Labor Market
摘要 在农村劳动力大规模持续性转移进程中,农村发展呈现两个明显变化:以利益交换为特征的农村劳动力市场逐渐形成和以人情关系为纽带的乡土社会人情信任日益缺失。如何理解这两个变化及其内在关联?本文试图从考察农村劳动力市场的工资决定及人情关系在其中的作用来回应这一问题。结果表明,人情关系具有显著降低农村劳动力市场工资的短期影响,但这一作用在农村劳动力市场的生命历程中呈现逐渐弱化的动态变迁。此外,人情关系对男性工资的抑制作用较女性大且显著,而女性相较于男性更关注市场工资的高低,并在农村劳动力市场中显著排斥人情的在场;人均耕地越多,人情关系的作用越显著,而人均耕地较少时,人情关系的作用相对较弱且不显著。 In the process of large-scale and continuous transfer of rural labor force caused by the change of labor mobility policy,there are two obvious changes in rural areas:the rural labor market characterized by interest exchange has gradually taken shape and“renqing”-trust in local society linked by“renqing”-relationship is worsening.How to understand these two changes and their internal relations?This paper tried to answer this question by analyzing how the wage is determined in the rural labor market and the effect of“renqing-relations”on it.On the one hand,we analyzed the static equilibrium of rural labor market in the marketization stage to reveal the short-term impact of“renqing”-relationship on rural labor market wage;on the other hand,we also discussed the dynamic changes of the rural labor market from the perspective of life course,so as to explain the long-term impact of“renqing”-relationship on rural labor market wage.The results showed that“renqing”-relationship had a significant short-term impact on reducing wages in the marketization stage of rural labor market,and this role presented a dynamic change in the life course of the rural labor market.Furthermore,the influence of“renqing”-relationship on the equilibrium wage of rural labor market showed the heterogeneity of gender and human-land resource endowment.The inhibitory effect of“renqing”-relationship on the actual wage obtained by men is greater and more significant than that of women,while women pay more attention to the actual wage than men,and significantly reject the presence of“renqing”-relationship in the rural labor market.The more the cultivated land per capita there is,the more significant the effect of human relationship is,while the effect of“renqing”-relationship is relatively weak and not significant when the cultivated land per capita is less.
作者 梁海兵 张福顺 LIANG Haibing;ZHANG Fushun
出处 《南京农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期159-170,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“农村劳动力市场演进与农村人居信任变迁:复线互动及检验”(2019jbkyjc001)。
关键词 农村劳动力市场 工资决定 人情关系 Rural Labor Market Wage Determination “Renqing”-relationship
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