The understanding of the flow characteristics and effect of gas–solid interactions in pneumatic risers is fundamental to investigate to ensure effective design cost-effective operation.Thus,to understand the effect of gas–solid interactions on the hydrodynamics of newly proposed conversing risers,this study mainly focused on predicting pressure drop in the dilute phase pneumatic conveying system.The experiments were conducted in a converging riser having a convergence angle of 0.2693°.Various solid particles such as sago,black mustard,and alumina have been considered to study the effect of particle sizes and density on the pressure drop.The experimental outcomes indicate that the total pressure drop increases with an increase in the solid density and gas mass flow rate.Moreover,smaller particle sizes are also increased the pressure drop.An empirical correlation is developed for the prediction of total pressure dropΔPTin converging pneumatic riser via dimensional analysis.All dependent variables such as particle and air density,drag force,acceleration due to gravity,the mass flow rate of air and particle,the diameter of particle and converging riser,the height of converging riser were considered to develop the empirical correlation.The established relationship is tested,and experimental data have been fitted for its validation.The estimated relative error of less than 0.05 proved the significance of the developed correlation.Hence,it can be stated that the established relationship is useful in studying the effects of various parameters on the pressure drop across the length of the conversing riser.
the Ministry of Human Resource and Development Government of India for funding this research work