

摘要 英国现代人寿保险产生于18世纪,19世纪中期进入迅速发展的转型时期,这一时期英国寿险公司欺诈投保者、公司间破产兼并等问题频发。19世纪70年代之前,立法者、精算机构、媒体等曾尝试采取措施规范寿险发展、维持市场秩序,但治理效果不佳,寿险市场肆意发展。直至1869年艾伯特人寿保险公司(the Albert Life Assurance Company)倒闭,促使1870年《人寿保险公司法》(the Life Assurance Companies Act,1870)出台,才使英国寿险业的发展得到了更为有效的监管。之后随着监管治理机制的进一步完善,英国人寿保险业逐渐稳定和繁荣,并带动其他保险业务发展。英国人寿保险业的这一发展过程对我国和其他国家保险业监管治理也有一定的启示意义。 Modern life insurance in the UK came into being in the 18th century and entered a period of rapid development in the middle of the 19th century.During this period,there were frequent problems such as fraud and merger and bankruptcy among life insurance companies in the UK.Before 1870s,legislators,media,actuarial institutions and others tried to take measures to regulate the development of life insurance and main⁃tain market order,but the effect of supervision was mostly poor,and the life insurance market developed reck⁃lessly.It was not until the collapse of the Albert Life Assurance Company in 1869 that the Life Assurance Com⁃panies Act(1870)was introduced.The development of the British life insurance industry has been more effec⁃tively supervised.Later,with the further improvement of supervision,the life insurance industry in the UK gradually stabilized and prospered,and led to the regulatory development of other insurance industries.This development process of British life insurance industry also has certain enlightenment significance for the super⁃vision of insurance industry in China and other countries.
作者 郑金玉
出处 《保险职业学院学报》 2022年第1期78-82,共5页 Journal of Insurance Professional College
关键词 英国 人寿保险 监管治理 公开性自由 UK life insurance supervision and governance Freedorn with Publicity
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