
荷斯坦犊牛反刍行为的发育规律及其与采食之间的相关性研究 被引量:2

Research on Developmental Regularity of Ruminating Behavior in Holstein Calves and Its Correlation with Feed Intake
摘要 本试验旨在探究荷斯坦犊牛反刍行为的发育规律及其与采食之间的相关性。选取18头初生体重[(42.1±5.4) kg]相近的新生荷斯坦母犊牛,单栏饲养至84日龄。通过视频观察并记录犊牛断奶前后的行为活动,统计各周龄犊牛的反刍、躺卧、站立和非营养性口腔行为每日总时长、平均持续时长和发生次数,并记录每天采食量。结果表明:1)反刍行为每日总时长、平均持续时长和日发生次数随周龄增加逐渐增加(P<0.05);非营养性口腔行为每日总时长在断奶前随周龄增加逐渐增加(P<0.05);躺卧行为每日总时长在第3、12周时显著低于其他各周龄(P<0.05);站立行为每日总时长在断奶后(第12周)显著高于断奶前(P<0.05)。2)犊牛反刍行为每日总时长与总干物质采食量(DMI)呈极显著正相关(r=0.707,P<0.01),且与饲粮中的中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和物理有效中性洗涤纤维(peNDF)采食量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。综上所述,犊牛反刍行为的发育受DMI的影响,固体饲料DMI、NDF和peNDF是引起犊牛瘤胃发育和反刍行为建立的关键因素。 This study aimed to investigate the developmental regularity of ruminating behavior in Holstein calves and its correlation with feed intake. Animals used in this trail were 18 newborn Holstein female calves with similar birth weight of(42.1±5.4)kg and they were raised to 84 days of age independently. Their behaviors during both pre-weaning and post-weaning periods were observed and recorded by video,in which the daily total duration,duration mean and frequency of ruminating,lying,standing and non-nutritive oral behaviors were calculated each week,and the daily feed intake was also recorded. The results showed as follows:1)the ruminating behavior increased with the increase of weeks of age(P<0.05). The daily total duration of non-nutritive oral behaviors increased with the increase of week age in pre-weaning period(P<0.05). The daily total duration of lying behavior either in week 3 or 12 was lower than that in other weeks of the whole trail(P<0.05). The daily total duration of standing behavior during post-weaning period(week 12)was significantly higher than that in pre-weaning period(P<0.05). 2)The daily total duration of ruminating behavior of calves demonstrated extremely significantly positive correlation with total dry matter intake(DMI)(r = 0.707,P<0.01),and significantly positive correlation with the intakes of total neutral detergent fiber(NDF)and physical effective NDF(peNDF)in diet(P<0.05). In conclusion,DMI can affect the development of ruminating behavior of calves,in which the DMI,as well as NDF and peNDF in solid feed are key factors that cause rumen development and ruminating behavior establishment of calves.
作者 杨慧 张思源 彭容 陈天宇 张红星 肖鉴鑫 刘帅 曹志军 邵伟 YANG Hui;ZHANG Siyuan;PENG Rong;CHEN Tianyu;ZHANG Hongxing;XIAO Jianxin;LIU Shuai;CAO Zhijun;SHAO Wei(College of Animal Science and Technology,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China;State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition,College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
出处 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期1614-1622,共9页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION
基金 中国农业大学2115人才培育发展支持计划(1041-00109017)。
关键词 犊牛 反刍行为 采食量 中性洗涤纤维 物理有效中性洗涤纤维 calves ruminating behavior feed intake NDF peNDF
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