

Consolidated Management or Divided Management:A Re-examination about the Management Mechanism of Water Conservancy of Jiangnan Region in the Ming Dynasty
摘要 太湖流域自然地理环境的特性决定了该区域的水利修治必须施行统一管理。随着明初以直隶嘉兴、湖州二府改属浙江,历史上曾长期属于同一政区的太湖流域遂分属直、浙二省,受此影响,江南地区在水利治理层面形成了“犬牙相错”的格局。为统筹管理江南七府水利,明廷在永乐至弘治年间逐渐建立起一套应天巡抚——浙江按察司佥事协同治水的管理机制。正德以后,由浙江按察司佥事兼管南直隶苏、松、常、镇四府水利的弊端愈加凸显,朝廷遂在江南水利的合治、分治问题上反复摇摆。至万历五年,最终确立了以苏松兵备道、浙江按察司佥事分管江南水利的政策。太湖流域行政区划的长期分裂,是明代江南治水管理机制不断调整的重要原因。 The characteristic of the natural geographical environment of Taihu Lake Basin determining that the water management in this area must be carried out in a unified way.Jiaxing and Huzhou were transferred from South Zhili Province to Zhejiang Province at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,thus,Taihu Lake Basin was divided into two Povinces.As a result,Jiangnan region had formed an indented pattern in water management.In order to uniformly manage water conservancy of the seven Prefectures of Jiangnan region,the imperial court had gradually established a collaborative management mechanism of water conservancy by Yingtian Governor and Zhejiang Inspector from the period of Yongle to Hongzhi Emperors.However,the malpractice of this management mechanism became increasingly prominent after the period of Zhengde Emperor;therefore the imperial court repeatedly wavered on the issue of consolidated management and divided management of water conservancy in Jiangnan region.In the fifth year of Wanli Emperor,the imperial court finally established a policy that the water management of Su,Song,Chang,Zhen belonged to Susong Bingbeidao,and the water management of Hang,Jia,Hu belonged to Zhejiang Inspector.All in all,the division of the administrative area was the key reason for the continuous adjustment of the management mechanism of water conservancy of Jiangnan region in the Ming Dynasty.
作者 宋可达 SONG Keda(Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期15-22,共8页 Historical Research In Anhui
基金 中国社会科学院创新工程大型学科奠基性项目“中国边疆治理体系与治理能力专题研究” 中国博士后科学基金第67批面上资助项目“文化地理视角下的浙江省界形成研究”(2020M672925)的阶段性成果。
关键词 明代 江南 水利 政区 Ming Dynasty Jiangnan region water conservancy administrative area
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