
人源乳酸菌对2型糖尿病小鼠的缓解效果 被引量:1

Relieving Effects of Human Origin Lactobacillus to Type 2 Diabetes
摘要 为考察人源乳酸菌(发酵乳杆菌Lactobacillus fermentum 11、Lactobacillus fermentum 305和植物乳杆菌Lactobacillus plantarum 22、Lactobacillus plantarum 25)对2型糖尿病的缓解效果,对2型糖尿病小鼠连续灌胃菌粉溶液12周。每周记录各组小鼠体重、进食量和血糖。实验结束前进行口服葡萄糖耐量试验和胰岛素抵抗试验。实验结束后检测血清中血脂指标,包括总胆固醇、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白和低密度脂蛋白。结果显示,经过菌粉溶液灌胃后的2型糖尿病小鼠血糖、进食量、低密度脂蛋白、总胆固醇和甘油三酯显著降低(P<0.05),葡萄糖耐量和胰岛素抵抗能力显著提高(P<0.05),体重无显著性变化,高密度脂蛋白增加但不显著。可见,这4株人源乳酸菌对2型糖尿病小鼠具有缓解效果,为后续深入研究提供参考。 The relieving effects of human origin Lactobacillus(L.fermentum 11,L.fermentum 305,L.plantarum 22,and L.plantarum 25)to type 2 diabetes were studied.In this study mice with type 2 diabetes were given a solution of bacteria powder of the human origin Lactobacillus continuously for 12 weeks.The weight,food intake and blood glucose of each group of mice were recorded every week.Before the end of the experiment,an oral glucose tolerance test and an insulin resistance test were performed.The blood lipid indexes in the serum were detected,including total cholesterol,triglycerides,high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein after the experiment was ended.The results showed that the blood glucose,food intake,low-density lipoprotein,total cholesterol,and triglycerides of type 2 diabetic mice were significantly reduced(P<0.05)after treatment,and glucose tolerance and insulin resistance were significantly improved(P<0.05).There was no significant change in both body weight,and high-density lipoprotein increased but not significantly though.So alleviating effects on type 2 diabetic mice was improved by the powder of human origin Lactobacillus(L.fermentum 11,L.fermentum 305,L.plantarum 22,and L.plantarum 25),providing a theoretical basis for subsequent in-depth research.
作者 佟童 王璇 邵新宇 李雨欣 牛晓辉 田思琪 李祖明 张弓 刘佳 白志辉 夏然 武志超 TONG Tong;WANG Xuan;SHAO Xin-yu;LI Yu-xin;NIU Xiao-hui;TIAN Si-qi;LI Zu-ming;ZHANG Gong;LIU Jia;BAI Zhi-hui;XIA Ran;WU Zhi-chao(Coll.of Biochem.Engin.,Beijing Union Uni.,Beijing 100023;Sino-Canada Health Engin.Res.Inst.,(Hefei)Co.Ltd.,Hefei 230088;Internal Trade Food Sci.&Technol.(Beijing)Co.,Ltd,Beijing 102209;Res.Ctr.for Eco-Environm′l Sci.,Chinese Acad.of Sci.,Beijing 100085)
出处 《微生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第1期74-79,共6页 Journal of Microbiology
基金 北京市自然科学基金项目(6173033) 北京联合大学高水平孵化科研项目(ZK70202003) 中加健康工程研究院(合肥)有限公司合作项目(50304JA1901) 国贸食品科技(北京)有限公司合作项目(202116) “启明星”大学生科技创新创业项目(202011417SJ130,202011417XJ217,20213043,20213027)。
关键词 人源乳酸菌 2型糖尿病 血糖 血脂 葡萄糖耐量 胰岛素抵抗 human origin Lactobacillus type 2 diabetes blood glucose blood lipids glucose tolerance insulin resistance
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